~Light Workers, We Must Take Care of Ourselves!~

Lia's picture

Recently, I have been hearing of so many Light Workers being slammed with negative or dark energy to varying degrees, some very harsh, painful, even destructive, yet others' experiences are less intense, but still difficult or challenging.  I will share what my guides have taught me about what to do when this happens.

The first important thing to know is that this "slamming" of dark or negative energy can only hurt or harm you if you believe that it can hurt or harm you.  Therefore, the first order of business is that we must check in with our own belief system, and make any necessary adjustments.  I have been advised not to over-adjust, meaning that it remains important to be aware that an attack is being attempted.  Why?  It is so simple, that when I was told the answer, I found myself wishing that I would have thought more about it or meditated on it before asking the question!

We are Light Workers, and our main job is to carry and hold Light.  It is the mainstay of whatever it is that we are here to do.  If another or others are hurling bad things at us, what exactly is it that they do not have that we do have?  Love, of course!  We all know that it requires only a tiny light to push back the darkness, so, in such a situation, the beautiful, brilliant fuschia Pink Light of Unconditional, or Cosmic, or Universal, or Source Love is the cure!

I have been instructed by my guides to speak my intention out loud, and to say something like this:  "I reject this energy, and I now send it back along its path to its origin or origins one billion fold in the form of Unconditional Love, on all levels, in all dimensions, now and timelessly and to the power of Thirteen.  So must it be, and so it is.  Namaste."  One can choose a different number for the intensity or for the power.  The "power" is an exponent, such as 2 to the power of 2 equals 4, and 2 to the power of 3 equals 8, and so forth.  I used to use ten for the intensity ("fold").  However, those who still operate in darkness are seldom phased by such a small intensity, so I was advised to use something with lots of zeros (circles) after it.  I use thirteen for the power because it is a prime number, evenly divisible by only one and itself, and because it is a sacred number.  For anyone having difficulty with that one, think of Jesus the Christ and His twelve disciples - thirteen!  This works every single time!  Now, as I have been advised, if the attack continues after this process, repeat it once or twice again, but with a greater number for the intensity.

What we have just accomplished, in addition to taking care of ourselves, is that we have stopped the efforts of another or others to cause harm, and we have given them a very beautiful and powerful gift!  It is a gift that has great potential for assisting them in moving into the Light.  To move into the Light is still their own choice, because we have no right to interfere with their free will, however, what we have sent does not dissipate and is always there for them to use if they wish, yet we have at the very least neutralized their non-beneficial intent.

May The Great Spirit gift you with many blessings, and may you always have the wisdom to recognize them.  Namaste!

With Love, Light & Gratitude, K. P. lly

