Lia's picture



I believe that the Occupy movement s the beginning of the beginning; if someone is looking for a huge sign as to the world shifting, here it is! In my opinion, this Occupy movement is the physical manifestation of all the Love & Light that God, the Ascended Master, the Christed ETs, the Angelics and other various beings of Light are sending to Mother Terra Shan Gaia. Praise God (ALL of us) in his/her Glory for we are at the Dawn of a new brighter, wonderful era of unconditional Love, Peace, Unity and Light. Here it is folks, people are awakening in mass numbers now, there is no going back. The elite KNOW without a shadow of a doubt now, what with all the protests, that their days are numbered and that WE THE PEOPLE are taking back out beloved planet. I am so VERY proud of Humanity, my Brothers and Sisters, my divine siblings. Namaste, May we Eternally Walk Together In the Light.



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amber's picture

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Growing up as a lower class idividual i would always ask my mom why some people had WAY more than enough and others had next to nothing and she would say " thats life... the rich get richer and the poor get poorer" I AM so ready for the tides to change so let us keep this wave going until we are

Free at last ~ Free at last ~ God All Mighty ~ Free at last!!!!!!!!!