~ Lindsay Ball ~ The Crystal Team: The Vision of Magnificence is within us all

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The Vision of Magnificence is within us all - communicated by The Crystal Team and shared with love by Lindsay Ball

“We would like to share with you today, our vision of the future potentialities that exist for you all on Earth, and this vision may already exist for some of you and you may feel comfortable with the expression and energies of this potential lifestyle.
And we have spoken previously of the Atlantean Golden Age and the Lemurian simplicity and grace and these energies are now becoming more familiar to you as you reconnect, knowingly or unknowingly, with the energies of those Golden Ages.
And so the essence of these times was peace, honesty, sanctity and joy, and these are created when all souls understand the reason for their existence, the purpose for this physical experience, and begin to accept that the power and possibility for creating these aspects lies within themselves.

We hear you talk of having peace on Earth and of living a good life and so on, and this possibility is inbuilt into all your cells, your genetic makeup, your crystalline grid, indeed your very essence, and how could this not be when you are all manifestations of the love and light of God, how could you be anything other than the essence of love and peace and joy?
And these elements are still within you all despite what you see and hear and read about in your newspapers and on what you call the television.

explosion of love

And so as all these elements are still within us all then we are able to reconnect to them, to bring these to the forefront of our conscious mind and to reconnect them to our conscious living.
And our vision is for all people to stop for a moment and imagine what it would be like when all souls connected to that inner wisdom, the inner knowing, the inner love and peace and joy and sanctity that exists at the very heart centre of all beings. Imagine the explosion of love, joy, happiness, excitement when all souls reconnect to their true being, when they reconnect to the essence of purity, honesty, love and light, when their cellular structure glows with the crystal clear clarity of knowing the truth and joy of All That Is; when the energies of all souls are radiating at the frequency of love in alignment of All That Is.

We can picture a future of peace, abundance, joy and so on for all people and this possibility is within all people, and the quickest and easiest way for this to happen is not for some government or ruling body or even organisation to send down, ignite, foretell or ordain this, but for each soul to sit and link into these energies for themselves to link into the gloriousness of each being’s beauty, truth, honesty and love.

And in that way all souls will be fulfilling their true path and purpose, will be in alignment with the golden energies, the rainbow flame, the silver heart, call it what you will. And all souls will live in peace, harmony, joy and all souls will unite in working together for the highest and greatest good of all, for there is no other way of being when you are truly in alignment with the love and light of God, the provider of all your experiences.
As the energy of God watches all humanity unfold in this state of oneness, the possibilities for experiencing Heaven on Earth are manifest for you all, and your energies and intentions become in alignment with truth and beauty.

a state of grace and understanding

So see your own vision of life on Earth, see the possibilities for helping each other, for supporting and encouraging each other, for sharing and exchanging, for being all equal in the eyes of God, for balancing all things in perfection, for creating magnificent opportunities beyond your current imaginings and know that the seeds of all this are already within your heart, within your cellular structure, your crystalline grid and are all linked to each other; the stars, the planets, the galaxies and beyond.

Link your energies to Mother Earth who is your provider of your home and sustenance in this lifetime to all living beings who co-exist in this existence and who already live in a state of grace and understanding, for as you open your hearts you will also begin to understand how advanced these beings are and how they can communicate with you to increase your understanding and awareness and to bring your existence further into alignment with All That Is.
Be at one with the plants, the trees, the water, the weather, the moon and the sun, see all aspects of your existence as playing their part in their own journey and that of the whole, for nothing, we repeat nothing, is not here without a cause, a reason and a purpose, nothing exists that is not part of the oneness, part of the whole and your acceptance and openness to understand and integrate this will be an important aspect of your journey in the here and now and across all times and levels.

And so dear ones, rest assured that we are always here for you to tune into, for awareness, love, encouragement and support, know that the vision of magnificence is within you all for you are all part of the Divine Plan created for you all, and you are inherently aware of your part within this plan in this lifetime.
The vision of magnificence is within you all, dear ones, now and forever more, Amen.”

Communicated by The Crystal Team and shared with love and blessings by Lindsay Ball – Atlantean Crystal Master
www.lindsayball.co.uk Copyright Lindsay Ball
You are invited to share these insightful words and beautiful energies provided you do not alter or adapt the text or use it out of context, and please quote the credit www.lindsayball.co.uk thank you.
