Lisa Gawlas: The Tree of Wisdom and the Re-Union of The Ascended Masters on Earth!

glr_Andrea's picture


July is such an exciting and complex month for us humans kicking about on planet earth!  There is so much happening, so much solar energy being pelted to our personal and planetary energy fields and changing everything!

But yet, we wake up, the walls of our room look the same, the floor is still there under our feet, the clocks tick away as if it has no idea everything has sped up.

I had a very strange experience yesterday that really leaves me feeling like we, as a whole and a collective, are missing something so important.

I was sitting on my couch, having coffee before my first reading and watching the bird-fest out my windows and doors eating their breakfast.  I love those animals soooooo much.  Suddenly I heard (that same, new masculine voice from meditation) say “Those birds really love you.”  I smiled and said I know that.  That voice said with such a conviction of energy and inflection “NO, They REALLY love you.”  For the next hour, I had birds flying into my windows trying to get into the house.  They almost never fly into the windows at all.  (Funny even as I type out this very sentence, one just banged into the window lol)

Instantly I felt like there is something in vibration of LOVE we are not understanding in its fullness.  Something so much more than an energy flow of feeling…

I have been waiting, quite excitedly for something to change in a reading.  It had to… but when and what!

Well, we all got an amazing peek as to the what yesterday thru one of my three readings.  OK, I got to peek yesterday, you get to peek today (smile.)

As I connected to the field, I had to blink several times as I was seeing this big ole solid apple tree as the energy of her reading.  There was no longer the sense of inner and outer world, but a combined energy field that gave birth to this huge tree.

The Light field flooding this image was intense, beyond the brightest clearest day you ever experienced on earth. The placement of her tree of wisdom (hence the apple tree) was slightly confusing.  It was deep into her west field (harvest) and slightly to the right of the “now” moment of time… making that tree solid about a week or so from now.

The tree itself could have been a photoshopped image.  The fullness of the branches and leaves, there were no open gaps anywhere.  The vivid green of the leaves, the intense red of the apples… flawless really!

Truly, that is the energy of our soul: ripe, fresh, flawless.

Before I explain any more of that, let me back up to her reading about 2 or so weeks ago.  She was at the foot of what I call the Tree of Life, laying flat out on the ground and she had three Guardians standing on top of her body.

They were giving their own version of a Shiatsu Massage thru her entire abdomen area.  She did mention yesterday, she spent three days in the bathroom after that reading! (smile) So, after getting so excited about her apple tree (wisdom tree) being super illuminated in her path of life, I had to back up just a wee bit to the present moment, hoping to understand more of what this tree meant to her and her life!

The field said there was nothing that she needed to do except wake up every day and put her foot forward.  Each day from here on out will be loaded with the energy of bringing the two together (human and tree.)  I watched as each day took her into a connection… first with the root system of the tree, then to the bark that seemed to also be a covering on the ground as it made it’s way onto the base of the tree.

Then her whole reading became a freeze frame.  There she was, about a week or so into her future, half in her tree and sticking out from behind it. (I could not move beyond the tree or even look around it.)

It seemed so easy for her to merge her root chakra (connecting to the physical world) and her sacral chakra (sense of self within the physical world) to the tree of her soul, but there was a hmmmmm, I am not sure what the right word would be, but the rest of her was sticking out as if bending purposely out of the base of her tree.

As I pondered why we stopped there, holy freakin cow batman, a super zap of energy came into the reading, at the tree and I knew, during her merger (again, in about a week or so) a large energetic event will take place to get her fully centered in her tree and Being one with the Life Blood of that tree as well.

I also had a feeling (tho, cannot say with 100% surety) that the two people I tried to read for the prior day and got a slate blue block placed in my awareness, were undergoing intense biological and energetic change, which will produce the image of their integration in our next connection.

Now, I also hear that each individual tree of wisdom that is made manifest in Life gives full birth to the Tree of Life that supports the fullness of the Real.  (Where the inner world and the outer world is no longer separate at all.)

I also much mention my first reading of the day yesterday too.  It is as important to understand as the tree of wisdom we are all working to integrate and Become.

She was sitting on a chair about 3-4 weeks into her past on the outer field we will just call her physical life.  I started to understand that all that got her to that point in time created the energy she needed to move forward with, but instead of moving forward, she sat down.  What I felt from it all was she wasn’t really aware of the new energy within her.  If we are not aware, how on earth can we use it and move fully forward?

So I picked her butt up out of the chair (smile) and started to walk her forward to the present moment.  Man oh man I got the surprise of my life!  Major intense flames started whipping out of her toes the moment we started the walk forward.

Now I know Kundalini fire when I see and feel it!  But what the hell is it doing coming out of her toes and so intensely at that!?

The integration of all this new energy is crucial!!  (Have I mentioned meditation before….smile?)  All of her life passion (soul passion – kundalini) was pooled up at her feet and just a single movement forward was releasing it in the only way her body could… thru her toes!

So, I scooped up all her flames of passion, stuck it back into her body and ran it from head to toe evenly.  We were able to move forward to the now moment without burning anything up.

But over and over again her team kept saying it is her responsibility to keep this energy flowing evenly within the core of her body.

We (me and the field I work with/thru) can only do so much, it is always your responsibility to continue the process.

I must also look at something else as well.  This week alone I have had 3 females (one on my massage table, two on the phone) all diagnosed with breast cancer, including the hot toe-mali mentioned above) I have not had 3 people in a whole year dealing with breast cancer, so why now, in this intense week of massive change I have 3 people showing up on the field of Life?

Let me just say, when you set up your life in life, you are subject to so many things, including illness of any sort.  When you are fully anchored in the soul of your life, living and breathing the life blood, the very sap of the tree of wisdom that is YOU, illness of any sort cannot, will not exist.

The breasts alone are symbols of nurturing, the food of life to sustain life.  The available Mana from the depths of the cosmos flows thru woman.  But how often do we feed ourselves first and foremost?

When we are constantly giving, and giving and giving (as opposed to sharing, which is a very different energy)… we get tapped out.  A void appears and the energy of life turns on itself as a massive warning to the host human.

Our kids, our spouses, parents, friends, whomever, are nowhere near more important than ourselves!!  Ever.   Yet, society leads us to destructively believe that is so.  And obviously we eat of the poisonous tree, until we change our diet (not literally, symbolically / energetically here.)

Meditation is the greatest soul food you will ever eat.  Even if it takes you a month of Sundays to learn how to eat of it… AND make the most of it!!  There is a massive buffet table waiting for you to show up at, and so many people simply get still and wait… kinda like parking across the street from a gas station when your tank is on empty and never pulling into the pump.

Choices.  Responsibility.  Dammit!

Now, to change this subject completely, but staying with the pesky word “responsibility.”

It seems yesterdays adventure with my past life masculine Indian that is also me, added more details of the way life has always been meant to be.

My meditation with him opened up with he and his soul partner inviting in what will be their baby.  Together, they opened up a portal within the female’s body directly at the womb and called a soul to come into Being.

I really understood they never had to worry about birth control.  Pregnancy was interactive with all three participants.  There was such an amazing relationship with life… the more I understand, the more my heart yearns to return to That.

Thru this single meditation I watched her become pregnant, swell, and go into the most amazing labor.  He loved her (literally) thru every moment.  When the contractions to bring in the life that grew inside her started, it became the most amazing love-making session.  He massaged and caressed her.  Her contractions became that of ecstasy and not a single moment of pain.  They made love all the way thru the process, I suppose for hours.  He held her energy steady with his loving touches.  The baby was not receiving signals of pain but pure bliss of being born.

It was on the orgasm energy the baby made its way into created life and it was the father who brought the baby into life… loved the baby and the mother into this humbling expression of Life.

The more I see, feel and understand, the more I long for life to be like this again.  Which is no doubt why I am seeing and feeling it all.  Not as a memory resurfacing, but as an actual experience I Am a part of.

I also understood as well, that this lifetime I am Re-Member-ing was lived right here where I live now.  Long before the chaos of invasion set in.

I had to smile, and wonder too… the very land I lived on in Vermont was where I lived in the late 1400′s and spent so much of my time retrieving my memories and abilities from that time as space.  ironically,  in the Vermont lifetime, I was killed on my wedding day.  Glad I got to fully experience what a Holy Re-Union really is all about.  And my greatest hope is to do it all over again in this lifetime (with a surrogate hymen to pierce…smile.)

By the time we had the baby (smile) I was exhausted.  Of course waking up at 2am had a lot to do with that.  So, in moments of many questions and little energy, I pull out my pendulum and invite Archangel Michael to sit with me and talk.

The way I look at my moments with the pendulum, I am always going to the doorway of spirit, it is nice when they come thru mine as well!!  Without fail, He always does.

I never ask a question first, always give Michael the first word and he always has the last word too!

His first message to me was a long one: “Follow this Thru to completion.  Trust in this.  Trust in this.” I had to ask, what is “this” that you are talking about.  He repeated several times thru the communication “We are returning.”

So, gotta ask… who is “we” altho he would not give me an answer, he did affirm when I got the answer/potential correct.  The “we” are the ascended masters of HIS group energy.  Together.  Individuation’s of the entire group that will be together again on earth in created matter, in the same space on earth, I did ask that one.

Thru this entire conversation with Michael I realized something in his energy field was different, stronger than it ever has been before.  I have been having this type of communion with Michael geez for a good many years and his energy signature has always been the same steady pulse of love thru my hand.  Now, it is so strong I would not have been surprised to see him pour himself out of the crystal I use as the pendulum head and unfold on the couch where I was talking to him.

So I hadda ask a question burning in my heart.  Who exactly is this half-naked Indian I had seen at my front door (which, I no longer see him there) and I was shocked to see him swing out “I Am.”

So then, the question I have avoided asking is now too much not to ask.  Is this aspect of you flesh and bones.  Yes.  Human flesh and bones living on planet earth??  Stillness.  I know that still place… clarify the question.  Are you human?  Pleiadian.

More domino’s started rolling out in connection to my journey to Here.  My first two-year intensive learning within meditation consisted of three Pleiadian energies and Sananda (Jesus, not the man, but the pure soul energy called Sananda) always together, bending my mind and reality every step of the way.

Altho I did ask Sananda if he was returning to earth as so many people said he will (the 2nd coming) he replied “I have already walked that path, I do not need to walk it again.”  Not once did I ever think there was something he was not saying lol.  Of course I was barely 6 months old when he showed up… I was way to naive and truthfully, to scared to press him any further.

The one thing I have seen so consistently since moving here to the Jemez as well, my three Pleiadian friends walking from the Mesa Cliff to my back door.  I had always hoped this was literal and not a symbolic image… and today I am feeling more literal than we can even imagine!

This morning, as I re-ponder it all… I know that many of the ascended masters that are “gathering” are each of You… Re-Member-ing together on sacred ground that once (and will again) housed the energy… the pure Love of Life I call Shambhala.

We are Awakening Together and finding our way Home on Earth!

I am in awe of You, of Us, of what we are really doing..Together!

Lisa Gawlas  Reading Special 3-4-2:

Meditation and Energy Classes Now Forming:  Space is limited in each class.


