The Little Known Secret To Real Self Love

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self love

Self-love can sound a little cheesy or even egotistical, right? The truth is, it’s a hugely underrated key to finding long-term happiness, inner peace and living a full life.

Self-love is crucial because your external world will reflect how you feel about yourself.

Self-love also gives you a safety net to take risks and go after your dreams, because you know that no matter what the outcome, you’ll be OK — your self-worth is not on the line.

The problem is, many of the teachings on self-love can be surface-level only. Yes, it’s great to be able to look in the mirror and embrace your flaws, but real self-love is about so much more than that.

So what is the secret to real self-love?

Real self-love is about recognizing that your true identity is your inner spirit — you are a soul, not just a body. You simply have a body to carry your soul from place to place.
