Live Life with Passion

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By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

Life isn’t about working day in and day out to please someone else just so we can ‘earn our keep’ and stay financially secure. There’s an underlying theme to life that most people have forgotten, and if we want to understand this theme, we have to open the mind and consider concepts that most of society wouldn’t yet accept.

One of those concepts is that love is the driving force of our existence, and another is that there are higher states of consciousness we can access with meditation and other inner tools that connect us with a reality that’s much realer and more refined than our own.

To explore this greater reality, which exists beyond our surface awareness, all we really have to do is open up to it and let our higher consciousness take the wheel and steer. Our higher consciousness has always guided us, and for the most part, we’ve been unaware of its existence.
