Living in the 5th Dimension and Releasing the Illusions of the 3rd Dimension

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I wanted to post an older message to show people how this works. In 2005 when this message was channeled I was moving to Tallahassee from Jacksonville to help my mother build a cabin and eventually a house in the woods. I got a job with the government because it is too difficult to rebuild a clientele as a hairstylist. I hated government work. I was the original hippy. All I really wanted to do was write music and stories but we all know it's hard to be successful financially at that. I was dying inside. Something told me that things were changing rapidly and I had to have faith. I had to blaze a trail and be brave enough to make a move. If my husband and mother were willing to support me in my decision I was going to quit my job. But I was not just going to do nothing. I had plans. We had land. I wanted bees and wildflowers and chickens and fruit trees. I had no money but my mother and husband did. All I needed was for them to share my dream and they did. I had to stop thinking that I was worth nothing without money or a career. My vision is worth something and my sweat and compassion and laughter and love is worth something. I did quit my job. You can imagine what it is like to suddenly realize you are absolutely FREE. First there is guilt but it goes away pretty quickly. Twenty years ago if you had told me that one day I would be living in a beautiful little cabin in the country with chickens and a dog, grow my own food, have my family and a gorgeous, loving husband with me, two cars, a boat, a honey business, a three story block house in the works, an orchard, a pond, twenty acres, good health and that I would never have to work for someone else again all by the time I was forty five, I would tell you, you were insane. But I had to allow myself to be deserve these things, this life. Nothing belongs to me. It is all created collectively by us all. Money is a tool for now. And by the way, I am still penniless. My husband doesn't make very much. My mother was just diligent enough and lucky enough to do well at making enough money to retire. But money is not the point. The 5D world is the inner world. It is the spirit of letting go of the fear of what other might think if you quit your job. It is the spirit of enjoying the things money can't buy. It is the spirit of imagination that created the farm with the bees and the chickens and the cabin and garden. 5D is where you are when you are awake and dreaming. Much love to you all~ Cari

Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn

February, 2005

Dearest Ones, this channel comes to you after requests from Lightworkers to understand the nature of the energy right now, and why you are finding it so difficult to cope with life. Nothing seems to work anymore. You feel unsupported and abandoned in many cases. You are exhausted and anxious, and you feel as though you cannot go on any more. Well, this is quite true. You cannot go on any more living in a way that is primarily third-dimensional. The Earth has made her transition and is now firmly anchored in the Fifth Dimension. And yet most of you continue with your third-dimensional lives as though nothing had happened.

We know that most of you are expecting that you will wake up one day and see and feel the changes. But no, part of your role as lightworkers is that you will create the changes yourselves. It is up to you to start living the truth and the reality of the Fifth Dimension.

Maintaining the illusion of the Third Dimension is what is causing the stress and exhaustion among you. The shaky and disintegrating structures of the former Third Dimension are no longer enough to hold your lives together. Money and economics no longer support your lives as they once did. Relationships no longer provide the security and support and safety that they once did. Your physical bodies are tired and feel as though they can no longer keep doing this. And we would say to you, yes indeed, it is time to let go and fully embrace your new reality.

But what is even more exhausting for many of you as lightworkers, is the constant swing between dimensional realities. You live your new reality, and yet you are constantly being pulled into the old reality frame that is being lived out by those around you. The constant shift of frames and perspectives is another contributing factor to your exhaustion, anxiety, and feeling of being unsupported.

Dearest Ones, we realize that most of you are a little bewildered about your new reality, and wish that you had some kind of "instruction manual" to help you along. Well, we will offer some guidelines here, but primarily we ask that you be understanding of how unstable and erratic your reality is at present. People are confused and uncertain. Those who are not conscious of the ascension process have no explanation for what is happening in their lives, and are feeling the most stress and anxiety because they see only the evidence of disintegration and chaos. They are becoming increasingly confused and unhappy. But understand that as they feel these emotions, they are coming increasingly closer to "waking up" and understanding what is real, and to begin to create the new reality with you.

Here we would offer to you an understanding of Fifth Dimensional reality very briefly. The most important difference between Third and Fifth Dimensional reality is a change in the nature of Time and Space and how they are perceived by you. Time and Space were fixed realities in the Third Dimension. In the Fifth Dimension they are fluid and are understood to be largely illusionary.

Time in the Fifth Dimension is perceived as the Eternal NOW or present. The cycles of day and night are understood to be mechanical markers of cycles of being, but have no real effect or power over the creative potential of the Now moment. This means that what you feel and experience in the present moment is the only essentially important experience. The past and the future have no relevance as such. What you create and experience in this moment is who and what you are and what you will be, unless you shift your intention.

Once you understand this principle fully, you will understand how to cope with your sense that there is never enough time to accomplish what you need to do. Focus on the present moment, experience it fully in its immediacy, and you will find that time will stretch for you into an eternity. Yes it sounds magical, but the Fifth Dimension is a magical place! And know that what you focus your attention on will become increasingly powerful and will manifest in your life, as you become increasingly aware of your power as creators within the Fifth

The same is true for space. You will increasingly see that space and distance are only illusions of the material plane. You are always and immediately connected to others who are your soul and heart family, no matter where they may be on the planet. The Internet has taught you in a physical way how the illusion of space can be bridged. You will soon understand that within yourselves you have the ability to maintain these links telepathically with those to whom you are connected.

And after this understanding will come the understanding that every human is always connected to every other human on the energetic level, and that what you call a "planet" is no more than a great co-creation of all the beings on that planet, including the animals and the non-sentient beings. In fact a planet is really a great creative "node" where many creator "gods" work together to produce a "consensus" reality. Once you understand this fully, you will begin to understand how to utilize the Paradise Matrix that has been set up in order to co-create the Paradise of the Fifth Dimension that was your original plan for the planet.

Once you understand these principles, you can move forward into the Adventure of the Unfolding of the Creative Now Moment! Understand that your reality will seem to move quicker because your vibration is now higher. Events will unfold rapidly. Things will change rapidly. You will need to be fluid and flexible and open to rapid changes. You will have to have absolute trust that your Higher Aspect in tandem with Spirit knows what you need and where to take you, and that you can follow this unfolding with confidence and trust.

And finally, you will need to be in touch with your Creative Passion! It is the only thing that will move you forward at this time. Otherwise you will stagnate. In the Fifth Dimension you are no longer moved forward along the "tracks" of career and work that once supported you. Now it is the energy and movement of your creative passion that will take you forward. Are you willing to let go of the old structures and move into the flow of new creations and new realities? The extent to which you hold on to old structures will be an exact correlation to the extent of the anxiety and stress that you will feel. It is only when you connect with the flow of Creative Passion that you will move forward in your own Creative Unfolding. And this is the true essence of the Multi-Dimensional experience of Who You Are that is the gift of your New Fifth-Dimensional Planet.

It is our hope that this message will help you to understand the challenges of your present time and to move more rapidly through this transition into full Fifth-Dimensional creative joy.
