Living in the Climax of Awakening Ages

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Zen Gardner, Guest
Waking Times

Much is being said about the transition we’re now undergoing. Is it a cosmic occurrence, a societal awakening, or perhaps a spiraling convergence of timeless influences destined to bring humanity to its true conscious awareness?

It’s never healthy to over-spiritualize any occurrence or phenomenon but these have become very real, howbeit esoteric, questions.

It’s clear the current paradigm of deceit is crumbling before our eyes and that a major transformation in human consciousness is taking place. We cannot deny that, despite the furious socio-geopolitical activities unfolding before us and the naysaying of skeptical observers.

What tends to be seriously minimized is our empowered place in all of this. What can we do in the face of such an onslaught? Is there a role for us to play? Why the feeling of helplessness as we watch our skies, food and water close in with toxins and our societies constrict as if destined to bring our demise?
