You can literally change the frequency of energy to which your mind, body and spirit is tuned. Living in a state of high frequency vibrational energy has benefits that reach beyond this lifetime. However, during this incarnation, you gain accelerated spiritual progression, the ability to manifest realities more easily, and create an aura of energy around you that encourages others to return positive energies. You're also helping to raise the vibration of others, because positive energy is transferable and combats negative energy.
Many people live with a constant undercurrent of stress, irritation and dissatisfaction. It can be hard to find happy moments, ordinary ones maybe, but a real smile or spontaneous laugh for some is relatively rare. When the true nature of the universe and reality is unknown to people, reality can be a dull pill to swallow. Given that we are often times unable to express our true potential due to life's commitments, it's tricky to feel fulfilled...