Lord Emanuel -- Messages of Wisdom and Inspiration -- Take Time for You

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Messages of Wisdom and Inspiration
10th August 2014
Greetings! Greetings! Dear Ones it is I, Lord Emanuel come to be with you this day, stronger than ever as our worlds move closer and the veils come down. Sense my presence with you now Dear Ones, take a moment from your busy lives, take a moment of peace and stillness for yourself, for you deserve this time, not just for the time you read this message but every day, exactly when you need it you must give yourself the time and space to just Be. Be with me now Dear Hearts, let us commune for awhile that I may help you feel a little more than you would be able to on your own. Whatever the level of your enlightenment, no matter where you are on this path my Dear Friends, I can uplift you, if you will allow me to do so. And why is this helpful Dear Ones? Because it gives you a temporary boost, and a feeling of what is possible, what is up ahead for you, what you will be able to attain on your own. Let me give you a taste of what is possible, to lift your spirits and infuse Hope and well, to just keep you travelling along the road with a lighter step and a brighter path.
Breathe with me now Dear Ones and open your heart. Immerse yourself in this experience, shut the door, switch off your phone, give yourself this time. Immerse yourself in the experience that is available to you now. Close your eyes and breathe. Deeply. Allow allow allow as best you can, receive receive receive.
For now is the time more than ever when you must become totally selfish and totally focused upon YOUR greater good. The Way of the Heart is not for the fainthearted and you are not faint of heart or you would not be reading these words. But you can and you will find all sorts of excuses for not giving yourself the time that you need to really heal these deep wounds, to really be willing to surrender to the process that is unfolding whether you like it or not. Dear Ones give up the struggle, give up the fight. You have done this for so long you have almost forgotten how to Be. You have almost forgotten that the way you live now is not natural, it is not how you are meant to live, it is not how you are meant to exist upon your Blessed Mother. She has provided you with all that you need, your Father- Mother God has given you all that you need to know within your Heart.