Lord Metatron: 911 Is A Celebration as the Beginning of World PEACE~

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Lord Metatron: 911 Is A Celebration as the Beginning of World PEACE~

Now a Channeled Message to Humanity About The Celebrations!

Channelled through Elizabeth Trutwin\[original post] 9/11/10

Greetings, This is Lord Metatron.


On this 911 Day of Remembrance we Gather Together in the Totality of Oneness to Lift Up the Collective Consciousness of Earth to Remember Who They Are.

The Story of 911 is but an infinitesimal part of a much longer story. As we look at the Herstory of Planet Earth, we will see this great tragedy has pulled Human Consciousness Up to a place where we may unwind the history of Duality and Reclaim our Birthright in Oneness.

Today is a Great Celebration across this Universe. This is the LAST TIME Earth will experience the desires of a few destroying the Free Will of the many. No longer will this be allowed.

What we are witnessing, from large Ships above Earth, is what we are calling a Separation of Worlds. The Dimensions are separating. Some will walk on to a parallel Earth. Some will move on to another Planet. Some will remain in this situation, in an anomaly bubble of time and space, for a little more time in duality. These Ones will have a choice to join the Higher Dimension later. All care is being taken to include as many Souls in the Higher Dimensional Earth as is possible.

When Announcements are made by the Sirian Commander that NESARA Law has been enacted, when Kalki Maitreya, the 10th Incarnation of Krishna reveals the Day of Emergence, then we will know the Separation has Completed.

The storms, floods, fires and earthquakes are an ongoing realignment of Gaia/Vywamus. All is mitigated as much as possible by the Wingmaker Ships over the Poles of Earth as well as other Sentient Beings who travel in the Biosphere with the assistance of Extraterrestrial Ships of which there are so many it is hard for most to fathom. The realignment you are witnessing through these events is what we here in the Ships are calling a Separation of Worlds.

The Greatest Service we can do, as a Collective Consciousness, is to understand that we agreed to be a part of these changes on Earth. It is important to adopt and continue daily to practice sacred practices which have us connecting with the Energy of the One.
We must remember We Are Not This Body. In our waking hours we are A LINK IN THE PHYSICAL to the Divine. We take the action steps to CHANGE THE PHYSICAL and facilitate the separation of Worlds and return from Duality to Oneness on Mother Earth.

We will no longer allow the Intergalactic War Criminals, who desire controlling Earth and her Sentient StarGates, who desire to control other Planets and Star Systems beyond Earth, the access they need to do so. We no longer will allow borders, war, violent acts, limitations or poverty consciousness of any kind to separate us from Totality of Source, of All That Is.

We remain Whole in Love. We take every moment on Earth as a gift. We allow the separation to act through us by holding the Light needed to move into the new Earth Grid at Zero Point. We connect with our Twin Flames and raise up Love Consciousness on Earth. We share with our neighbors, friends and family the REAL TRUTH about the larger picture on Earth. We resolve to act as One People on One Land of Earth. We no longer give attention, energy or mention to anything working outside of Love. We continuously ASK our Guides to Show Us A Lighted Path of Ascension to our Truth, our Gifts and Our Power.

The dark Ones would love for us to commemorate this day as One of Mourning. Let us remain steadfast in our Faith and Celebrate This Day as the Beginning of a World of PEACE.

~Lord Metatron
Channelled through Elizabeth Trutwin 9/11/10


