by Love Reporter Predrag
How to link extraterrestrials’, conspiracies, missed appointments, our fears and failures, faith, and FatherMotherGod in one single post?...
I think I have small idea... If we observe ourselves, our Sisters from channeling, our Brothers doing all this diligent work on beautiful sites for awakening of US all, we all have same thread... we want to serve OTHERS.... Yes, this is the secret of Awakening... not some proof from Neptune, or photos of other galaxies, or armpit strips from on-ship supplies....
Awakening happened as soon you started serving others, even if you have doubts that what you are doing is not sufficient, or pictures beautiful enough, or your words are not profound enough...
Who really cares... You think that Galactics care?... or That other light workers care?... Or that Obama Cares?... [this is funny, is it?... Obama CARE...]
No... The only one who cares how you look in other eyes is YOU... You are the only one who is JUDGING self... and to tell you the truth: without any good reason... no reason at all...
You are awake my Beloved ___________ [and you can fill your name, or Steve, Blossom, Dave, Timothy...] as soon WE serve others, with all our hearts, we are awaken... and we are not judged by others, and especially not with Galactics...
But, if you throw in this ascension sup your religious uprising: What if God [FatherMotherGod...] is judging me, because I failed?... Where I ask for forgiveness?... because I did this or that to others.. .and SELF?... What is my punishment?... How many lifetimes of karma I have to suffer?... on and on and on.... the wheel of judgmental mind goes around...
Get this: there is no judgmental God... there is only MotherFatherGod of pure and unconditional LOVE... and all you need to DO is... NOTHING... simply recognize self as ONE with THEM... ONE with LOVE...
Remember Self that YOU will never be judged or blamed by FatherMotherGOd, Galactics, other Lightworkers... if you forget to wake up when buzzer goes off... So what if you press snooze button again...
In 5 minutes it will ring again, maybe in a bit different frequency or different trigger, but it will ring.... again and again and again... till you fully awake in PURE LOVE YOU ARE...
All these little plays that we all experience from date changes of disclosure to disasters expectations, from spaceship traveling to having no proof that FatherMotherGod are real.... All these are just our snozze button goes off again... and with simple doubt in our self we slam this button so hard... and continue sleeping... a bit more awake, than first 20 thousands times, but still kind of groggy and sleepy...
You will realize that You are fully awake when You simply enjoy what ever comes your way, simply KNOWING Self, or better by KNOWING SELF YOU KNOW FatherMotherGOD...
You will Know that you are AWAKE, when realizing that all you do in this form is Serving others... even if you blaming self for not being recognized by others, you are still serving others... because we can see this wonderful example of pure sacrifice for cause...
You are OUR LIGHT in these wondrous times... YOU are OUR TORCH on path to FatherMotherGOD... with all these, doubts, fears, confusions... YOU ARE LIGHTING OUR PATH...
and of course I cannot finish simply there.... There is some more...
I would ask you small suggestion on my greatest dilemma, and if you please give your opinion from the heart [or from ever else you can think off...]:
The question I have is quite simple.... I am meeting today for coffee anther Ascended Master, you still remember him as Gandhi... Yes, Gandhi is here in Athens, yet my dilemma turns in to questioning what to do:
Do I tell him strait in the face: Listen my dear Brother, You wake up NOW and smell the Life... There is much more in you than your job, your meditation, or your physical health... You are much bigger than 190 cm of flesh and bone... or...
I Love you dear Brother from the Stars... I am here for you simply to LOVE you... asking nothing in return... not even YOUR wakeup timing to be Adjusted by any other... You are so so beautiful, that when you come in my presence, I feel rainbow colors all around US... There is magic all within YOU, and within me just flowing like a breeze of pure Light...
Yes, I LOVE YOU dear Brother... and You are just PERFECT as YOU are... even if you do not wish to wake up on my buzzing... You know better... YOU KNOW PERFECT timing what and when YOU WILL DISCOVER LOVE...
So, on the end of this saga of awaken Human, there is no wrong timing, there is no late appointments, there is no missed space trips, or canceled awakening sessions...
ALL IS PERFECT, as LOVE will be there when ever YOU wake UP IN TO THE KNOWING OF FatherMotherGOD...
Love is so patient, and LOVE SIMPLY IS....
With nothing but Lady LOVE,
I AM THAT I AM Predrag
And I ask the question, why
And I ask the question, why must you say anything? Be in his space and enjoy the light and love. When you leave you will be a better person for it and he too will in a better space for having met you. Agendas cannot be forced, ideas can be blessings, maybe find an appropriate question for him to answer. I would have a better idea of what such a question can be, but I am not familiar with what he talks about.