By Caroline Aguiar
The more I move into states of BEing with myself, I discover the connection I have with my inner self is growing every day. I think there is another level to still point, one that goes deeper into ones self, and this is where I’ve found what seems to me as eternal love, and bliss. I say eternal, because it’s always been there waiting for us to rediscover this truth.
If I were to describe the incredible waves of love I’ve experienced at still point, what words would I use? It’s Love, no doubt about that, but it’s a degree of love which I have never felt in all my life. It’s so strong, at times I feel as if my chest is gong to burst open. It almost hurts. It’s at this time when I become at one with my entire being, and with each breath, there are no thoughts, only stillness, connectiveness, and love.
The other day I went for a walk within my favorite oak grove on our ranch, and I began to feel such overwhelming oneness with everything around me. There was nowhere else I wanted to be at that moment, and there was nothing I wanted to do except BE as close to Gaia as I possibly could.
I sat quietly for a while, when suddenly a gentle breeze picked up, and swept through the trees. I began to feel quite sleepy, so I decided to lay down, and allow myself to open up to the loving energy around me. Once I released any resistance to what was occurring, I felt as if my body somehow melted into the earth, into love, and total oneness within that sacred space in nature I was in.
As I lay there, at still point again, perhaps even deeper, my heart opened with each breath, and in turn, this brought great waves of love which distinctively grew as I moved further into BEing with my true self.
When we move into BEing with our true self, and we experience this great love I refer to, we are BEing at one with our truth, because this is who we are. We are Love. The more we allow ourselves to slow down, and go within, we’ll find love readily surges forth, which will undoubtedly grow to monumental proportions.
I’ve wondered if our bodies can handle these powerful surges, and I’m assured they can. There is no greater state of being than absolute love, and oneness with all life because love is All That Is. It’s who we are, and it’s time we truly believe this with all our hearts.