Love: How to Return Back to What We Already are

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you are perfect
“Love isn’t all we need, love is all there is”- Morgan Matson

So it probably sounds too good to be true, way oversimplified or like some cliche inspirational quote you see that doesn’t really mean anything nor does it make sense, but love is all there is. In fact, it would be safe to say that all “problems” or perceived problems in the world stem from the belief that we are not already perfect, that we are not love.

I think most people can agree upon the fact that we come into the world completely perfect. Babies are without any stains or imperfections on their being. I was a baby. You were a baby. So what happened? When did we transform from this perfect little being, a pure manifestation of love into less than perfect?

“Love is the only reality and not a mere sentiment...
