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Well Beloved Family, I am here again to tell you all just how well you really are doing. Whilst we sit over you in our craft we are able to see all things going on. Your Ascension process is well underway, as the changes have  been occuring deep within the human psyche or consciousness. This is done on an individual basis in each person, in each persons own timeline and according to their ability to percieve and understand the process being undertaken.


Today is an important step yet again in your evolutionary consciousness development, as there is another portal of energies incomming from the Galactic centre. Know that all these energies really are helping you all to uplift from the lower vibrations that have held you stuck in the mud- much like the game young children play. Where you get tagged or touched by a free person to unstick you from the gloop surrounding you after being tagged by the one who is 'IT'. And so it is in playing this game with yourselves, you unstick yourselves and can help others to unstick by tagging them with your uplifting energy. This is happening on a Universal scale as well , as the energies unstick you, you in turn are able to free yourselves and assist others by adding to the uplifitng energies.

Can you see how fun you can make this? Children have the right idea about it- they act it out in play. You can in turn act out this and free yourselves. No more will you be held in the mud as you will learn to be able to stand in your own power, in your own light, supported by the loving energies of others around you. It is ultimately up to you to choose the path you take on this. You can make this smooth and easy working with the incomming energies and clearing out all the old beliefs of disasters and upcomming tribulation and choosing to manifest your own reality rather than one being directed by those who would distract you and hold you in the gloop, who would rather see this planet destroyed. 


If you do choose to manifest a safer option know we support you. This responsibility lays with each individual upon this planet, the more of you who can clear this, the easier and smoother this ride will become.I say ride, and it is exciting isnt it? As it is really like a theme park ride, sometimes you go up up up, then you get that awesome still just as you reach the apex of the top (this is the still we should aim to hold as long as possible) and then you get a huge surge of excitement and joy as you fly fast. There on the apex is where the surmountable joy starts to creep into you, knowing full well you will be able to fly from that point of stillness inside you.This is like the Ascension process -see how exciting it really is? There is no going down anymore, you are all way past that point. A song in your earths databanks clearly sets this intention ' THE ONLY WAY IS UP'.


We see lots of changes in your human collective, it really is beautiful to see. I wish you to know that you and only you can change the outcome of anything. You as a whole supporting one another. Isnt this the unity and oneness you wish for? To create the reality around you? And so it is!

No longer are the old ways working, because we have collapsed the bridges around them. So your choice is clear, to move on upwards. We will be working together much more clearly, and effectively as you approach your apex - your point of ascension where you will take off and never look back.


On behalf of your Family of Light, I AM Ashtar, Commander of the Guardian fleet of Earth.
