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The whole point here is to allow others to live in peace and prosperity. Holding back others to gain wealth for yourself is a crime against the natural laws of abundance. Each has a special right to flourish under their own vision of what their life should entail, going on their own journey, free of restrictions and unnecessary rules and laws. True peace and prosperity come to those who find their way through the dark and arise into the light with respect for others in their personal journeys. Such actions are rewarded with a prize to walk in the light and breathe in the air of true freedom and peace. Look upon your lives as if you are being tested in each and every moment, for indeed you are. Give each day your best efforts to maintain balance and harmonious peace wherever it is you shall be. Give to others as you see fit, treat others as you wish to be treated. We cannot stress enough how your actions equal your vibrations and your outer and inner experiences on your given day. Trust in yourselves to always feel what is the best choice for your upliftment. Choosing always leads to the experience that awaits down that particular road. Each path differs in the amount of joy or turmoil. Deciding for yourself, and allowing others to decide which path they feel they wish to travel in accordance with the lesson they feel they wish to learn next is the key to the law of free will. Travel on now as if each day is your last here in the world that you have become so accustomed to. Changes are just up ahead for those who so choose. Allow others who are not yet ready for such change to exercise their right of free will and choice to remain on the familiar tracks. All will reach the same station one day when all is seen and done and all required lessons are experienced and learned. You have traveled greatly. It is time to disembark from the carriage and begin a new journey that awaits the eager traveler. You are that traveler. The universe is filled with lighted tracks, stations, and exotic destinations for your continued learning and advancement. Keep in mind that joyful holidays are also a part of your blissful itinerary. We are your Star Family. We will be awaiting your arrival at the station.
As channeled through Greg Giles
