Humanity now has 2 Choices ~LOVE OR EGO

Lia's picture



You are LOVE.

You were never your EGO; bring the LIGHT of Awareness to KNOW.

Love and Ego cannot exist in the same space.

The ego loves to be special, it wants to be right all the time, it loves conflict, it loves to spot the otherness of the other person, it creates a space for jealousy, anger, hate and misery. The ego has no kindness and it cannot share. The ego loves competition and comparison and creates stress and misery. The ego keeps us unconscious always.

The difference between ego and love, is the difference of being a somebody or a nobody. The ego thrives only on being a somebody, but when you are full of a somebody there is no space for LOVE/GOD to enter.

We can never fight against the ego, the best and the only way to rise above the ego is to bring the light of awareness. The moment we are aware of the hate, jealousy, anger or misery in our thoughts, they disappear from our space. It is as simple as that. Then you come into the understanding that you were never your ego. In order to know who you are, you experienced who you are not.

Practicing to connect with our breath takes us to the place of stillness, to the place of awakened consciousness. The place of awakened consciousness is the “heaven within”.

The more we connect with the heaven within, the more we create “heaven” in our reality.

~Premlatha Rajkumar/Goddesslove~




Bunnywillow16's picture

Amen to that!

I choose LOVE

Luas***'s picture

Wonderful words and video, Namaste!

Love, Luas***