~By Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Predrag~
~Welcome Home Poem~
~Dedicated to Mother and Father God~
There is no words for what is within,
There is only a feeling, and nothing more than that,
There is only Me tasting tears on my cheek,
There is only a big gulp in my throat,
There is vast Space within my chest,
There is only my heart in size of my imagination here,
There is a LIGHT so bright, that shines through in only One direction,
In the Direction of the Sun, and Stars, and Galaxies, and Universes, and Cosmos ...
In the Direction of our Prime Creator, our Mother~Father GOD.
And this beautiful Light lands at their feet at their Central Sun,
And this Light suddenly realizing these beautiful thoughts:
You were riding this beautiful Ride of Compassion,
You were lighting the path so others could found Self,
You were sharing with ONE thought in your soul,
You were screaming of Joy all this time,
Knowing what is upon you:
Knowing what is within you;
Knowing what is around you;
Knowing LOVE now, and ever before, and
Knowing there is no future, only LOVE.
You found Your Home, You found OUR LOVE, You found YOUR LOVE of US.
Welcome Home, Our Beloved Son.
Welcome Home, AdidioUS.
Love you .... Love YOU .... Love US ....