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Dear Ones,

Let us discuss the next few weeks and relate that information to your transition.

The next few weeks will not be easy for many. You will have the need to let go of pieces of your being that you thought were permanent – in fact, may felt were their “safety nets.” There are no more safety nets.

The pieces of your life you considered safety nets are of the Old Age. When those safety nets were created – whether in this lifetime or another – they provided you with a sense of security that allowed you minimal creativity. But those safety nets were removed if you moved too far off the path. In a sense, unconditional love as long as you did as you were told.

If you analyze your religion – whatever it is – you will find this truth obvious. You are a good Catholic, Muslim, Jew or Lutheran as long as you fit within certain limits. The same is true for your family of origin and society. Protection was provided as long as you played the role assigned to you. Even though you were allowed to deviate some, such deviation was just enough to keep you within the reaches of that particular group.

Moving into New Age, you are discovering that your former safety nets no longer apply. Not because the safety nets have shifted, but because you have.

You can no longer promise to follow anyone blindly, yet you do not know why or where you are going. What is happening – rapidly in our thought processes and slowly in yours – is that you are shifting from allowing others to create your safety net with narrow limits to creating your own with no limits at all. A frightening time to be sure.

As a result, you will find people you thought instrumental to your well-being fading from your life. And others you have just met or have not thought of in that way are coming into your life. The same is true of your institutions. That what was light and bright is becoming murky. That what was murky is becoming more clear. And that what you could not see might now be part of your life – or will be soon.

Change is never easy. Such will even be more true during these next few weeks. Much of what you do and say may not seem logical even to you. Your Old Age comrades will question you and it is likely you will not have an answer.

You will act in a more instinctual fashion. Much as an infant does when he learns to walk. He does not necessarily know why he is doing what he is doing, he just knows he needs to. So it will be for you.

What does this mean in terms of your current life? We know no more than do you. You are “flying without a net.” This transition is as amazing to us as it is to you. We know the end result – the glorious and loving New Age. But we do not know your physical ability to achieve that goal. Let us explain.

You agreed to bring in the New Age which you completed months ago. You have since decided you wish to experience the New Age. Something none of us, including you, thought possible. You are proving us wrong. In truth, you are running into the New Age in numbers we find amazing. You are not remaining in your institutions and transforming them from within, you are creating new institutions – you are flying without a net.

Even though we are proud of your achievements, we wish to caution you. Do not move faster than your physical body is capable. You will know this by your instinctual actions. Allow your being to direct your actions, instead of feeling the need to be better or faster than others. Such a need is Old Age thinking and will not help your transition into the New Age.

Return to your infancy. Observe infants and you will notice that some crawl first, some stand up and then start walking and others run before they walk. It does not matter how just that all infants at about the same age decide it is time to walk. So it is for you.

It does not matter if you move in this direction or that today or tomorrow, just that you are moving in the direction and pace that is correct for you. Some infants feel the need to walk at eight months and others at twelve months or beyond. Does it really matter in terms of their total life? So it is for you.

If you race into the New Age because it feels right and is part of your inner knowing, it is right for you. And if you feel the need to slow down or stop, that is also absolutely correct. The New Age will be available for your exploration for eons. There is no need to move faster than your instincts direct you. Just make sure it is your inner being directing you, rather than the fear of flying without your former safety nets or because someone told you to do so.

Lesson number one of the New Age is – actually every lesson of the New Age – follow your inner being and you will move at the pace and direction that is correct for you. Follow the thought or dictates of others and you remain in the Old Age. So be it. Amen.

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