The Love Shared

Phil Rowen's picture

Here is the LOVE shared on a post by Robin

My Awakening Experience


 Reply to My Awakening Experience

Submitted by RMHNH on Sat, 09/15/2012 - 04:57.

It's possible that the forces of darkness that do not want humanity to awaken are behind the story of "mass arrests" and the deadlines that continue to pass unfulfilled. Stick in there! 

My Awakening Experience

Submitted by beti on Fri, 09/14/2012 - 18:16.

Thanks Robin for sharing your experience so openly. You will find that there are many of us who quietly walk this same path with you. I appreciate also the comments by Pam and "guest".

I grew up with waking episodes of narcolepsy that totally opened me up to the world beyond this physical dimension. Here I could fly without wings, I understood everything about life and the universe and I was in total bliss in a beautiful world that was so alive and embracing. This happened to me for years. As I grew up, I found it more and more painful to live in the physical world. I especially realized that what interested most people (money, entertainment, drama, power, etc.) seemed bland and shallow to me. I have avoided crowds, large stores with high ceilings and loud music, as well as areas of conflicts and drama. And yet, I have worked in the Civil Rights movement, volunteered in hospitals, nursing homes, inner city centers, women's shelters and soup kitchens. I married, raised 3 beautiful children, and found a way to contribute to the emerging new earth through my work with healing (in the peaceful space of my home and garden). In the meantime, I also have had a near death experince that further grounded me in this other dimension that I accessed as a child.

For years I have lived in a world that to others has seemed as "foreign". I talk to Light Beings, to friends who transition to the spiritual world and to ET's, just as if they were anyone else on this plane. Even though others may find it amazing or strange, to me this is normal.

Why I am writing is that I am so excited and hopeful because just now, in these days and months, I am finding that so many people are awakening to this other dimiension that is beyond this physical reality. It feels as if we are all caught in a wave of love and depth in awareness that is totally taking us as a people out of this world of "struggle" and into a new earth (as Eckhart Tolle and others describe).

I know that a lot is going on in the physical realm. I also know that there are people among us who have come to this earth in this time with the committment to work on these issues directly---at the risk of their lives. I honor them (David Wilcock, Stephen Greer and so many others). I feel confident in assisting this transition by holding presence for these brave souls who undertake this work. If I read too much about it, I get distracted, so I am selective as to what I read and listen to. But I am very generous in what I offer into this work and these amazing people who dare to take on the forces of this dimension.

What an amazing time we live in!


just enjoy the ride keep digging

Submitted by 4dangelo3 on Fri, 09/14/2012 - 17:58.

Some people say that i have lost it.I think to my self" lost what".I must admit that when the door is shut in my face that the next door is much much better .look there here to help us,I'll say ,they say "who" Im like"jesus in a space ship"They laugh".So what ,most people beleave the  news on TV" like thats true "Like whicth one of thoughs clowns are going to lose there job and carrear to say somthing that isent on the cu cards.some things are better left unsaid.but it still makes perfict since to me becouse I see the lights jumping all over the sky.there noway it could be a plane.I have to follow my hart forever,I'm not going to think for a second the my brains are not be toyed with by people that gain for my misstakes.Follow your hart for ever,and give it what it needs more then anything"lOVE,AIR, WATERand LAUGH.ask your self one qustion.Does it feel like LOVE.If it doest keep on trucken.

dear Robin

Submitted by strongwings on Fri, 09/14/2012 - 17:44.

Dear Robin

you have the right answer in your heart, you know that. people who call you nuts now, in close future may ask your help to understand what is going on in this world..

you are not alone. most of us are walking trough similar experiences. 

we have to accept this experience as it is... whenever you feel lonely on this path, please open your heart and connect to light workers of this planet with your intention.

or connect to your guiding spirits, or your guardian angels, or gods godesses, masters of ascension etc..

or open one blog and say how you feel.. we will read and hug you as we do now.

hug you dear robin. i hug you. this is the brother/sister hood of light. path is not the easiest one but most joyfull one. we are not alone. you are not alone.


Robin, Your storey is so

Submitted by Guest (unregistered) on Fri, 09/14/2012 - 17:09.


Your storey is so similar to mine and probably many others.  We have been on this journey all of our lives.  Every little step we wake up a little here and there, i believe, with our curiousity bringing us to new insights and teachings.  Nothing happens by accident....  I resonate with you about feeling alone in my search for more information and not being able to talk to anyone about it.  Although I have talked to my children until I cant breath and some think I am going senile and others believe but it is frustrating.  Just wanted you to know you are not alone, we are fellow travellers on this journey.  Sometimes we doubt and that is part of the journey as well.  Keep going.  Dont give up.  You are loved and protected.  All is well.  

a fellow traveller.

Pam L

You have just described me!!

 Submitted by Guest (unregistered) on Fri, 09/14/2012 - 16:48.

You have just described me!! I too am constantly seeking on the internet and as you know and have explained that one thing leads onto another. My family think of me as an odd-ball as I don't watch x-factor or main TV and that suits me fine.

I never watch main stream news at all...

just google...

Global Research

Alex Jones...Prison Planet

Before its News

David Ike

David Wilcox

etc... as with all information you need to be discerning / detatched and go with what resonates.

also get out into nature...stay grounded...and have fun and maintain a sense of humour as obsession is not good

Submitted by trickyrythm (unregistered) on Fri, 09/14/2012 - 23:00.

I can sooo identify w/U! I too, spend hours online researching. & the one person on this planet that I'm closest with tells me, "You shouldn't believe all that crap you read on the internet."  It kinda bums me out b cuze we're so close in other ways but, I have to remember that everyone's on their own path & I must respect that. So anyway,  just lettin U know that there are sooo many of us out there & sometimes just knowing that helps build inner strength. U certainly helped me w/mine!  May U B blessed with the daily Love, Light, Peace, Strength & Courage to continue helping with Ascension!  :)



I love "main stream news"

David Porter's picture

Why, you may ask, cuz it tells me what continuing signs to seek, the bigger the event, be it good or bad, the closer we are to an all new way of living togeter as one peacful family. One of my favorite psychologies my dear sweet Robin is one brought to me by Terri Cole Whiticker that wrote the book, "What others think of me is none of my business"


Be independent of the oppinions of others. Become the observer as you do obviouly seem to have down well so far. You will get better at the roll and less people with bother you with their drama as you assist in their consciousness raising as well as you own.


I don't like to hear from an "I told you so" type, but it will be interesting in how to "re-convey" or explain then what you've been saying from the beginning of your more  awakend Self.


In much of this I feel it to be fun~

David Porter

Author of the series