~Galactic Love Reporter Timothy Craig~

Heaven Letters Quote
"If you wish to teach others, then love them and don't teach them anything. Love will take over. It is the only teaching that amounts to anything. Do not hold yourself up as a teacher. Beloveds, I am the Teacher. I teach love. Love is the only teacher. Serve love, and you will inspire the world.
You are well aware that others need to give out more love. You have seen stinginess of love in others. Never mind, give your love rampantly. Be generous with love, and you will no longer judge anyone. Let it be easier to love than it is to judge. Let criticism go by the wayside. Ride a go-cart of love. Speed down the highway. Ride a trolley of love. Love Me. Love you. Love your neighbor. All are your neighbors."
"The Reality"
....you know, that is one of I feel your greatest gifts, for you ARE MotherFatherGod, not because you say so, because you ARE so. It is one of my many wishes for humanity, that those of whom the universe brings into your experience, will know this to be true! I bless you both today, with the clarity and discernment that your humble and modest contributions impact the very core of mankind's energy with the Love & Light equal to the brightest stars in the omniverse! It is human, my dear friends and loved ones, to sometimes question or doubt the "difference" you make, I know this and yes even you too, and to deny that thought would be nothing more than egoic, and I say this not as a claimant to such thoughts, but rather because I know how firmly your convictions be that your devotion and dedication are without expectation of return, unconditional, and given freely and of your own free will, and that your relentless and tenacious faith believes in the difference you make, ok? So I command your acceptance of these truths!! (Lol), and I speak on behalf of myself and so many others, that you two make a difference in all of our lives, and your actions speak so loudly and proudly of true and genuine and honest and pure LOVE & LIGHT, the words of all those who love you as I do overwhelm anything you may write or say! I LOVE YOU BOTH WITH ALL THE LOVE AND LIGHT IN MY HEART, MIND, BODY, AND SOUL! Namaste! Timothy (a.k.a. Lightworker Betrue21self)