~The Loverterian's Decree~

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~The Loverterian's Decree~




~By Love Reporter E.B Gibson PhD. and Friends~




Drafted and signed July 2, 2011




I Solemnly declare before the Universe, of which I share a commonality, and all life that makes up the vast unified field that, according to my best ability and clearest judgment; I will keep this Oath which serves as an enduring monument and testimony of my most sincere intentions, of which I now declare throughout the land.




I will hold all life sacred and as dear to me as my own. I will honor all whom I share this common thread of existence including every, man,woman, animal, and plant, as well as the planet Earth itself, and all other Life forms in the Universe.




I will, at all times and to the best of my abilities, seek to fulfill the common spiritual needs of all sentient beings for unconditional love, compassion, forgiveness and benevolence; and, I will look upon all men and women not only as equals but also as a extension of my own family. I hold these truths to be self-evident, that all members of the human family as well as all life in the universe are one. Insofar as I am consciously able and to the best of my power, I will therefore use my words for the healing of the human family, and In doing so I will surrender my ego to the higher calling of peace and brotherhood; accordingly, and at all opportune times, I will pronounce this declaration of love in my heart, mind and spirit and shine this light throughout the land, and while doing so I will seek to cause no harm or injustice to others.




I will not return injury for injury to any living creature, nor be a participant or sharer in gossip or any other modality of conduct which creates divisions, strife or contention.




In purity and according to the universal law of unconditional love which all men and women seek, I will carry out my life in the way most fitting to the living testimony of this decree.




Into whatever home or household I may go, I will enter there for the benefit of peace, healing and sharing of the love energy, avoiding any voluntary act of impropriety or corruption, including the seduction of women or men, whether they are free or seeking freedom from the system that binds them.




Whatever I see or hear in the lives of those who confide in me, whether in connection with my personal assistance or while abiding in trusted friendship, I will keep to myself as sacred and confidential, considering all such matters to be private, unless those who have confided in me wish for others to know of such disclosures.




It is our most ardent desire that all those who wish to learn this sacred art should be able to do so freely and without charge; as we the founders deem this fitting, namely that according to our preformed principles, we shall thereby conduct lectures, and every other mode of instruction, so as to inspire the practice of unconditional love to any person without regard to preference, payment, or ulterior motive.




So long as I maintain this Oath faithfully and without corruption, may it be granted of me to partake of life fully through my practice in this sacred art, and may I gain the respect of all men and women for all time. However, should I transgress this Oath and violate it, please forgive me and aid me as I strive to try again.
