Loves True Dominion a message to all of us from the ALL of US

glr_Andrea's picture



Loves True Dominion




A message to all of us from the ALL of US

by GLR Yojman 


As beings of the great Love Ray to Humanity, it is Wise to use the Power Ray
in deliberately giving our God Presence Dominion:

Mighty I Am, take command of our outer self here today.
Take command of our every thought, feeling, spoken word action and reaction.
Produce  that True Perfection, hold Your dominion.
Reveal to me the perfect thing and things to do,
and through me, AS ME, do it all perfectly!
Because, I Am the open pure heart, through which flows the
Age of Freedom for all Humanity.


Much of the Starship populations are and will be shown to be y-our ancestors.  You know: “good ole’ grandma and grandpa.”




ellion's picture

...very cool post Andrea.  Granma was a great influence in my life and she died when I was 8.  Always did want to see her again, along with so many others.  Namaste



Love Is All