Loving GAIA
I hear her Music In the Trees and in the Garden of her Soul....,
Swirling air whispers her name, as light and Shadow Play....
Rich Earth Sifts through my fingers as Rooted Textures Grasp and Hold....
There She Is...Reflecting Softly from a Dew dropped Moistened Daisy....
Forcing Life Ever Skyward and Deeper Yet...........
Its Fragrance Floods my Nostrils and Draws Me Nearer
As Her Scented Nectar Kisses Me Sweetly......
The Enduring Goodness Within Her is Her Sacred Flame....
I can "See" "Feel" and "Taste" Her, All from ancient Memory...
With Every Step on Her Hallowed Ground,
I am Lured to Her as Petals to the Sun...............
Delicious Magic Saturates My Pores and I am Drunk With Her Wine................
Wayne Matthew Clarke Aug 28 2011 Remake..