Lucas – An Egg Isn’t An Egg Isn’t An… The Chicken And The Egg

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Lucas – An Egg Isn’t An Egg Isn’t An… The Chicken And The Egg – 7 April 2012


Posted on  by GLR 

It is easter again for lots of us in the christian belief systems.  I had taken this easter, as it is associated with the egg and chicken, as the leitmotiv through this post.  A different view is what I try to give you.

The past two weeks things are progressing very fast as the changes taking place in front and behind the screens are following each other in enormous tempo. The full spectrum of good and bad is passing on my computer screen.  Strong energies coming in also that mess up your beings state for the moment and do not make it easier to cope with all of this.

I get a lot of  questions : why not now, I do not see anything, I do not believe, it all is fake, etc. Let me say, a lot of people have not being awakened enough to see things outside the matrix and their own belief systems and dogmas. They have been working in and were raised  in and had schooling in these matrixes  since childhood.

The question is often to proof first before believing it. Even as you say to see changes that can not be explained, you ask for proof if proof is already been given. Proof already has been given in many ways. You say the system does not work anymore. You see all the things do not add up anymore as the news tells you via mainstream media things are different or manipulate the true happenings. But none the less you say proof it to me.  Some of us took action to inform people on the news that is not spread and told. Some took action in Occupy Wall Street movements, and in many many other forms. What have you done?

Did you take action yourself or did you say again, falling in the old matrix trap, the government, congress and others will make it right and they have all the right intentions and I trust them. Even as voting is rigged, bought and people denied voting by exempting people from voting you say I need proof.  As free speech, privacy and freedom of press is denied to you. Freedom of all your rights you naturally have cannot be denied to you, but you accept it. You can not demonstrate peacefully in the neighbourhood of any politician anymore as you can be charged with a federal crime as new legislation is in place now. You still will not see. If laws are made to imprison or arrest people without any cause or proven guilt that is clear or ain’t it. Also Europe hangs their own people to dry in stepping up laws and measures to control people.  Let alone the UN that has been having a back up plan to get us a New World Order governance and constitution(1).  But you still say I need proof.

The matrix you are still keeping yourselves in is what produces the  so-called dilemma of the chicken and the egg. The people will not see what is first does not matter. It is the result that counts, that what manifests. If the egg is a foul egg you will have no chicken. If your chicken is a sick one it will eventually die and you have no eggs and no new chickens. So what matters? The chicken and the egg matter. That what is in the now is what matters. Today. Not that what was or will be.

You have to see now it is time to take action in all things and discard you ever said to others to solve your problems for you. You are the one who needs to make the changes. Not the chicken or the egg, but You! Keeping in dependence of that corrupts yourself is not being free. You need to get rid of that.  Make it again what it was intended to be: free of will to act in unconditional love and light. You plant the seeds of love again for the new golden age and your freedom and peace. Those whom are only here to control you and enslave you like to have your consent in controlling you. That is for them the best way to take  your rights away and do what they wanna do. Without consent they still will take your rights. But that you should know now.

I hope you will wake up with easter and see your colored eggs  and remember what these eggs are: a symbol for life. The chicken represents the life of the now. See it is just as a  mindset what makes you see what you see. You can change that. You are free to. Look at things and reflect and maybe you take real action to be free again in freeing yourself first and help others in their effort on the way. This is what is my message for you this easter.

Love and Light,


(c) 2012 – Copyright of Lucas, all writings of Lucas only may be published, re-blogged and posted with the name and http:// link to the original article  and or blog mentioned in the article with name of the author/channeler Lucas.

*1-  (Lucas : just one of the article that you can read about it)

