Lucas – Reconciling Both Sides – Oneness – 6 May 2012

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Lucas – Reconciling Both Sides – Oneness – 6 May 2012


by Galactic Love Reporter Lucas

A surge of love and understanding, a visit from the stars and more things happening in my live this past few days made me write this article. It is not about the usual nor about the things presented in any way for months now to us in media or expressed in other ways. It is about seeing the new way of thinking in progress. The thinking with the heart in unconditional love.

A lot of gibberish you think. In my writings and posts I tried to give you both sides of a story or at least the notice to inform yourself and not to see that what is presented immediately as the truth. As there are many truths. All those truths even yours are a peace of the grand puzzle that fits together with love and precision to be One picture.

Again you think what the ……… he is talking about. Heart center? One? Those questions are great. Keep it up. See your own mind attracted again and again to question all and see the opposite in everything. See duality.  It seems to be a good build in mechanism to switch every time into mind mode when there is something expressed, said or heard.

So what about those polarities of the mind thinking as we  are eager to manifest ourselves in that way, the way of being separate or being different from all others or saying to be unique?  Is that not a construct? I think if we let go of that construct we will not judge anymore or are prejudiced or are opinionated, etc. We will see the things just as they are. And move on.  It is like information you just put away in binary code on your hard disk.  Just a bunch of numbers meaning something and that are part of that one disk.

What makes that great disk with all that information One? What is it that triggers the Oneness? It is in reconciling both sides. Just see all information that means something different as one great info and say thank you. You will see things different (different =>our language is a format for duality itself)! You will reconcile both sides and see them as part of the bigger picture. The bigger picture that is unconditional love. Love that has no boundaries and is just embracing all that is.  So nothing is right or wrong. Nothing has to be judged. Nothing knows an opposite. Nothing has polarities. It is all as it is in One united.

Oneness is seeing that and letting go of all that what is duality. Learning to unite via not thinking with the mind but thinking with the heart by feeling love in all that is and giving love to all that seems different, polarized or in conflict. This way you can see that nothing is anymore the same (again language duality) as it is all part of the One. Therefore there is no more separation from you or from others and especially from the source, your creator or god, the divine.

The greatest gift you have is recognizing being part of the One in Oneness. You will see the things you have still going in this live on earth now to be in a flow. Nothing will unbalance you as you practice  the unconditional love and will receive and give only that. A new abundance in creation will be yours. See if you can reconcile within and all that outside of you. Unite and do not separate.

In this Unity we will be able to create our new world that is not a 3D duality world. We will see the things we want so badly manifest: Freedom, Love, Peace, Abundance and the Reconstruction of that what needs to be restored and is out of balance and not One. I give you all this as a loving message and hope it will resonate in your hearts.

Love and Light,


