Lucas - Imagine - It Is Already True - 11 November 2012

glr_Andrea's picture


Lucas - Imagine - It Is Already True - 11 November 2012

Imagine, being an angel of light. 


Imagine, being without lack of anything.


Imagine, being strong and healthy.


Imagine, being rejuvenated.


Imagine, being the sun, the wind , the clouds , the water, the stars and moon.


Imagine, being all energy needed.


Imagine, being all that sustains yourself in all.


Imagine, being you as creator moving the world into oneness and  unity.

Imagine, being you as the builder of your new world in 5D. 


Imagine, all being in unconditional love and unity.


Imagine, ....................


The things you always have dreamt of to be true are becoming now the manifestations of your new reality in the now.  It is already true. We create our new world today in oneness and unconditional love.

Imagine not but see it is true. It is all real and in the now.


Love and Light,




(c) 2012 – Copyright of Lucas, all writings of Lucas maybe published, re-blogged and posted only in full without altering anything with the blog mentioned in the article with name of the author Lucas.





MB008's picture

Thanks for sharing this! :)