Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Lucas ~ Message From The Guiding Spirits ~ Holidays ~ 24 December 2011
We are your guiding spirits from the higher realms you know us by our names.
(Lucas) I have connected to you collectively to give a message at your feast of light and your holidays.
We will give our message to all of you, dear ones.
Dearly beloved souls, we are the collective guiding spirits giving you this message. A moving year in your time experience has passed. We see the progress you have made as your lights are shining brighter than ever.
Still ending this cycle of your year brings contemplations and looking back on what has been happening in your lives. Some may feel troubled about their choices. Know all choices are part of the same act of balance in your still and for some already partial and fading duality experiences. You will soon all have the feeling of wholeness and balance that will be yours as one of the gifts on the path of ascension. There is nothing wrong as all is part of the One as the One is part of us All. You will remember that your way is the choice to follow. No critics, advisors and judgemental beings can have a say as nobody has to intervene your free will choice, dear ones. The road you take will be maybe longer to find your goal to ascend in the end, but it is not wrong.
Feel the power of your lights growing and for those who are just now awakening they will be helped and guided if wished for. A lot is changing in the coming year in your time. The changes take place in spiritual as in physical ways. The new will be brought into manifestation as you will see with your eyes and feel with your body. You will see the changes in this world as the lightworld promised and decreed by our Divine Creator is forming. Those who are strong in knowing and not believing will see that what is promised first. Know your sorrows and hardships are soon over. Know your heart that thinks the new into existence. The light and unconditional love will become your living beacon to see for all.
Truly you will be what is our Gods Creators desire. His children becoming lightbeings again, living in peace and harmony amongst those families of your outer and inner earth realms as well as the higher realms. We see your glorious Mother Earth rising upon her journey into the higher realms. She greets her children and sends in labour of her new being love to you all. Take a bit of time in this holiday season to connect with your inner selves, your connection to earth and your God Creator. This will give you new insides as also clearing some obstacles on your way. We sent our loving thoughts to you all. Have a nice holiday season. Know the heavens will always be yours.
Thanks you guiding spirits,
Love and Light,
(c) 2011 – Copyright of Lucas, all writings, channelings of Lucas only may be published, re-blogged and posted with the name and http:// link to the original article and or blog mentioned in the article with name of the author/channeler Lucas.