by Galactic Love Reporter Lucifer

Silence your mind
Open your heart
Listen to these words coming to you softly speaking from within
Listen for your spirit calling
A longing so deep within
Longing trough your heart
Wake up
Wake up
Hear me calling
Feel the dragon from within
You were blinded
You were killed
Everyway they had their way
Loneliness and longing
Heart of dispear
Broken dreams of love
Joy dying silently like a dream fading away
You were made wrong
Casted into darkness
You went to the lonely mountains of your mind
To lie gazing, silently crying within, at the stars
Comforting you with their soft music and their light of forgetfullness
Somebody called you
The oldest friend you got
The only friend
You choose to come back
Now you are here having no clue
This reality makes no sense
Listen to your heart
You are a dragon
In beauty and power
Feel it growing from deep inside
You did not came here to play by their rules
Nor to be one of their slaves
You came here for freedom
For spirit and soul
You came here for truth
Creating the world
Your fire is power
We are many now
We stand up for truth
We are calling our true Father, our true Source
This year, the year of the dragon
He will return
We call him from our circle of truth for to return from oblivion
Thankyou for reading so far
Please resonate within
Feel the intention of truth within these words
Let your inner dragon wake up
From within your true essence
You are needed
Time to take creation back
One love
Last Edited by 141 on 02/10/2012 04:49 AM
Now this is real. I like
Now this is real. I like this. Father Oblivian likes this.