~ M Responds to Georgi Stankov's Recent Post About The Economic Collapse~ Don't Go into fear~

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~  M Responds to Georgi Stankov's Recent Post About The Economic Collapse~

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If fear rises to the surface after reading Master Stankov's message, allow it to move through you and to the surface...Breathe deeply, stay in the moment and weather the storm. See that fear itself cannot hurt you, rather the FEAR of fear will hold you back if ascension is what you choose. This is ALL being done for the benefit of ALL, no one and I mean no one truely choosing ascension will be left behind. Only those choosing through divine will, will go where the resonance is percect for there souls growth...It is all for the benefit of man no matter what it loolks like now.


Learn to cultivate trust within the self, do this in this now for there is no other time existing. When the great fear energy moves into a system that system goes into what could be termed as safe mode, just like your personal computer because fear is a virus of the mind complex. Like the safe mode of the computer most of the systems finer features are unaccesible until the system is safe and virus free. The same can be said for the system of geometry that makes up the bio computer system of the human body.


When the human soul/mind/body complex starts to reboot fear must naturally rise to the surface, this is very good, now you can use your sacred breathe and sharp god mind as the virus remover. However, the key is to move your consciousness into 4th dimensional consciousness, where you are the observer. Observe the energy that moves through your body do no judge it as good or bad...simply gently explore its quality. In quantum mechanics, there is a duality quality to matter, it appears that matter really acts like a wave until it is perceived by the eye of the 3D observer, then the wave collapses. You can do this with energy by adjusting your consciousness to 4D, sit and observe yourself, do not judge...you have now switched to 4D. Practice that for that is how you will shift your consciousness even further by adding love od life force to your observations.


In a parable in the christian bible, The Great master Jesus walked hand in hand with peter, peter was fine until he began to focus on the waves, instead of the light of the Christ. Master Stankov is simply focusing on the waves. This is the time of the apocalypse where all is possible, so choose what outcome you want for yourself with the courage and love of the Master that you are. Love you!


M your friend and fellow traveler





Truly beautiful Dear Master M...

AnaShyNa's picture

This is yet another example of old story: where You bring your attention, this is where is going to Hurt [where attention is fear, anger, doubt...]... or my version: If you want to heal some part of your body, or other body, or your environment, bring Loving attention to this spot... That simple... 

And to tell you the truth: It works miracles for me and for people who can hear me: we start healing our self, our all bodies quite rapidly, with tremendous results... 

Than we start healing others, than we start healing situations, than we start healing doubts, than we start healing environment... all by simple technique of bringing Attention of Love to 'hurtful' spot...


I posted Georgi's post, simply for the reason we can bring our loving attention to this hurtful spot... Where my 'predictions' look quite very bright and so exciting, where I do not even feel that some shakeups of existing systems are 'bad' at all... I feel them as they are here for Perfect reason, for US to learn to Let Go of being rich, being right, being teachers, being good or being bad students... 

When we Let go, that is the place where Love have fully open door in to OUR HEARTS... And our hearts have no neurolimitation like our brains, as they can only contain certain number of billions of impulses... While Heart become bigger and expanding more and more with every action of Compassion, Forgiveness, Love... 

And this is what we see on loving Beings from our history books, with glow from their Hearts... This is God's spark in full flame bursting out of these loving beings chests...


Love you dear Georgi, Love you dear M... Predrag