The manuscript of survival – part 126

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The manuscript of survival – part 126



by GLR Aisha North

 •April 26, 2012 • 

As we have often times mentioned before, mankind is heading for a huge undertaking, something so vast it will not only take your breath away, it will in man ways take away everything you know. In other words, nothing will be left standing in the wake of this tsunami of energy that is already starting to crest off your shores. Make no mistake, we do not refer to this in a literal way, as there will be no scenes like those so convincingly depicted in all of your movies heralding the end of the Earth. This is not the case here, as we refer to something much more complex than mere towers of cascading water crashing ashore. What we refer to, is something that will literally tear down any last vestige of illusion around you, and this cannot be rebuilt again like all of the rubble that is so painstakingly reconstructed in the aftermath of a so-called natural disaster. It will not be reconstructed, because it cannot be put back together again after that implosion of forces that will tear all of these flimsy buildings apart to reveal the rotten foundation they have all been built upon. Not only that, it will also serve to cleanse the very ground beneath to such a degree that only the bedrock itself will be standing when this wave finally subsides.

We speak in metaphors here of course, and this is not a message to run to the hills, not in any way. Those still persuaded that the best way to outlast this incoming storm is to pack up their emergency packs and head to higher ground, or dig themselves deep into a hill, have not even begun to understand what all of this is about. This is not an armageddon as in the biblical definition, or rather, the Hollywood definition, where brave men and women run for their lives whilst saving the cute dog found struggling alone in the street. No, this is a case of total annihilation of a whole system of belief, and no matter how far you run or how deep you dig you will not be able to outrun the impact from this storm. You see, this is all about liberation, not the annihilation of mankind, and as such, so much old garbage needs to be washed away, and washed away for good. This is not a case for gathering up the splintered pieces, clearing up the mess and then putting it all back together again in a semblance of the old world. No, this is about shattering everything into so small pieces it can not ever again be resurrected, no matter how hard some of your fellow humans hope for it. As we have mentioned already, this unveiling and dismantling will be the last straw for so many, as they cannot live with the fact that their whole truth is nothing but falseness masquerading as reality. They will search through the ruins of their ”lost” lives, trying in vain to find something that will bring back the old, but as they realize that it is gone forever, they will collapse into pieces themselves.

Not so you, as you will finally be able to breathe freely again after living under that heavy yoke of oppression, and you will see this tsunami of energy as the liberator, the one thing that will finally lift this heavy weight off your shoulders, almost like the survivors after an earthquake finally feel the debris pressing them down being taken away. That day is not far off now, but as you can see from the metaphors we use, it will not be a calm and gentle process. Rather, it will be a turmoil of feelings washing over you from every angle, and you will need all of the gravity you can muster to keep yourselves firmly planted into the ground and not being swept away. As always, we will be on hand with reassurance and advice, but it is up to each and every one of you to secure your foothold, so best start putting down some firm roots already sweet ones. You never know just when the storm will hit you, so do not stay out in the open unprepared and unprotected.

