~Galactic Love Reporter Aisha North: Manuscript of Survival ~ The Blasting Energies of the Solstice~
Posted 12-20-2011
The din of tomorrow is already starting to be heard in some corners, and it bring us much joy to behold all the pure of heart that have started to siphon into this energy. They are not many yet, but their numbers will grow ever faster as the energies of the solstice come in ever stronger for the next few days.
These energies will blast open the doors to so many hearts, and they will turn many a non-believer into a believer. When we speak of believers, we do not refer to those adhering to a specific faith as ordained by your earthly spiritual leaders, nay we refer to all of those finally finding the answers within themselves.
As have been oft repeated, everything you seek you will find inside, and only the timid will stay in refusal as to seeing the truth in this. They say that the meek shall inherit the earth, but the meek are those insufficiently courageous to discover the treasure trove they have inside, and they will forever keep on believing in their own insufficiency. The brave shall indeed inherit the earth, in every sense of the word, as that defines those of you brave enough to travel all the way to the depts of your own hearts. So many of you have made that journey already, and even if you have not all completed it, you have come so far there is no turning back ever again.
You are all on the threshold of discovering your magnificence, and we pay homage to you all. Yours is a journey fraught with so many pitfalls, but do not make the mistake in assuming that if you ever fall into one, all is lost. This journey cannot be made without any seeming mishaps on the way, just remember that these so-called mishaps are always important learning points, and without these points of reference, you would never be able to reach that final destination.
We wish to take this opportunity to congratulate you all for a job well done, as it is indeed important to keep reminding yourselves that each and every day counts as an important step towards the completion, even if that day seems to be inundated with bad news or intense barrages of energy. Remember, nothing is wasted on this journey, and every step you take will indeed bring you forwards, even if it seems to be a very minuscule distance at times.
Soon the sun will seem to stand still in the heavens, as the earth tilts on her axis and the days starts to lengthen in the north and shorten in the south. This perpetual flow of celestial markers is of the utmost importance, as they serve as a sort of a counting down device towards that final happening. Just remember not to mistake this for a specific definition for a specific action to take place, merely as a very important confirmation that you are indeed at the right place at the right time. This year, much will happen on and around this date, and we do advise you all to look beyond the bleak future painted by your media in these selfsame days. We have told you earlier that the darkness is most profound just before the light returns, and this year it will be more true than ever.
So every care must be taken not to lose the grip on reality, namely the fact that the light is indeed returning, and it will be even stronger as a result of all of the hard work you all have been doing. Just remember to face the light, not turn your back on it, as that will be the case with many of your fellow humans. We think you will find this easy, as by now you have all been well versed in listening to your heart, and ignoring the false advices from those content to keep wallowing in the darkness. They will have their much longed for dip into that deep pool of despair, but for the rest of you, this will be the start of the bright season.