Chapter 28~ A new voice has taken over, and from now on you will recieve messages that will in many ways vary from the previous ones, but the gist of it will be much the same. However, the energy contained in these messages will change ever so slightly, as the bearer of them is someone else than in the previous ones. This will give ample opportunity to all to savour the flavour at their own volition, and it will hopefully bring solace to more than a few hearts. I will refrain from making any direct comments on actual events, but I will spend much time explaining the process you are in the middle of at the moment.
This process is a very beautiful one indeed, and one that has been heralded for eons of time, ever since mankind first set their foot on this little gem of a planet. She is indeed a most precious jewel on the firmament, and although her light is seriously dimmed because of mankind´s treatments, it is not a light that can be or will be extinguished. This planet is a beacon for all to see, and she will take back her brilliance as you all watch in astonishment and awe, and you sweet children, are those who will cleanse her from all of the old residue still clinging to her surface. You are the bravest of the brave, as you have already been told on many an occasion, and it is our hope that you never forget this. As a brave, you are here to do important work, but if your valour is lost beneath a mountain of fear, you will also lose your ability to do the work you specifically came here to do. I am aware that this is a message that has often been repeated already, but this is a message that cannot be stated enough, as it is an inbred weakness in every human´s mind to forget the strength and courage that resides perpetually in their hearts, and as such you all need outside forces to keep you focused on that pillar of strength you all carry deep inside. If not, you are destined to let go and be carried away by the flash flood of anger and fear that is about to be let loose on your planet.
You have come such a long way dear ones, and now the time has come to unveil this innermost chamber of your hearts, and to remain faithful to this, the real you, when everyone else around you resort to their basest behaviour. Never forget, the human soul is one that shines as brightly as the brightest flame, but you have all but forgotten to look into the light. Therefore, darkness has crept upon you like the setting sun´s last rays. You have settled in for a long night, and after while, you completely forgot that there is a new dawn approaching. Nevertheless, enough of you have already started to remember this, and therefore you have already become alert to the heralding of the light´s return, and have acted accordingly. You are as the rooster, alerting the rest of humanity that darkness is about to fade away once more, and it is indeed time to raise from the slumber and accustom your eyes to the brightening of the light on the far horizon. Your clarion call needs to be heard in the furthest regions of the people´s hearts, so do not shy away from making your voice heard over the din of the somnambulant´s snoring. You must be brave and shout it out loud, otherwise too many are apt to keep on snoring away their future.
Yours is an important work, but not a solitary quest. You have so many benevolent beings on all sides, all set on helping you to carry out your orders, and even if they cannot be observed by an untrained eye, in your heart of hearts you will feel the company on all sides. Remember to welcome them to your home, as they are indeed all in need of a little encouragement from you. If you do not open your door to them they will be left outside in the cold, with little or no ability to assist you, so it is indeed imperative that you invite them in to be at your side throughout this arduous journey. They are a beauteous multitude, and they can be of assistance in so many ways, but only if you let them.
That is all for now, I will return later on with more.