~The manuscript of survival ~ part 61~
Many have lost the will to go on, as they face the hardest time of their life at the moment. So much has been taken away from them, and they have nothing to resort to, and as a result hope is slowly but surely fading away. This is to be expected, as this path towards enlightenment will bring so many through the abysmal darkness, and if they do not open up to helping hands from the outside, they have no way of knowing that this passage will surely lead out into the open again and into the light. For many, they will get lost in the dark and therefore render themselves unable to finish the journey in this lifetime. All hope is not lost however, as they will certainly get one more chance to fulfill their mission, but that will be left to another life in another body.
You will be well versed in this cycle of lives, and for many, you have embarked upon the last stage of this in your current sojourn here on this planet. You knew before you came into this life that now the time has come to complete your journey and fulfill your long held obligation, not only to yourself, but to the rest of creation. You all came here with a specific task in mind, and for many a generation, you have slowly but surely inched forwards towards this, the final stage of the journey. When I say ”final”, I refer to the fact that this is the time for all of mankind to make their last and final decision. Do I ascend together with Mother Earth in this timeline, or do I need to have another go at it, and return into a new physical body when I am ready to complete my journey? So many of you have already chosen to complete your mission, but you have done so more or less unwittingly to yourselves, as it is your soul that has made the decision, but deeemed that it is mayhaps not the time to make it clear to your ego. In other words, you are well on your way towards ascension, but you may not be aware that this is indeed the time you have been wating for all of your lives. Remember, most of you have made a long and laborious journey towards this time in space, and although you on the surface may be unaware of this, your soul has been longing for this day for eons. It knows fully well what this is all about, but you, in your conscious minds, have no way of apprehending all of the consequences of this. Therefore, you have a hard time digesting all of the challenges, as you cannot see for yourselves just how well prepared you really are for this journey. Thus, it is too easy to lose confidence, and slip into despair.
Therefore you need to be reinforced by regular injections of information and energy to keep you going, as without it you would be left stranded on a lonely shore with no salvation in sight. This help will be kept coming in all sorts of ways, both manifest and in less tangible form. You may encounter someone on your way that you will feel instantly connected to, and together you will find it much easier to navigate these difficult straits. Or you might hear a beautiful piece of music that will touch your heart so deeply it will make tears of joy and gratitude stream down your face. Or your eyes might fall upon some words in a book or on a screen that will remind you of something residing deep inside of yourself, something that you had forgotten, but now will be lifted out and never be lost again. These are all important pieces to build a strong foundation, as no one can complete this journey without a stable rock under their feet. So much is shifting and metamorphosing, it will be almost impossible to stay focused without some form of rigid support. And never forget, this support may come in so many different shapes and forms, it can be easily overlooked. Never assume anything, as this will only leave you looking in the wrong direction. Keep an open mind, and wonderful gifts of connections and synchronicity will start to appear in the most unexpected places at the most unexpected of times. Even if this is indeed the loneliest journey of them all, one that cannot be acchieved without a total devotion by each and every one of you, it is one lined with helpers at every step of the way. You must choose to pick your way forwards, and it is you who have to keep putting one foot in front of another, but never fear that you do so in utter darkness and solitude. Please remember this as darkness falls on all sides, because the darkness is literally crowded with the light, and you have all the support you need to keep pushing through it.