The days are getting ever darker on your side of the globe, but soon the days will start to lengthen again. Even if the warm days of summer seem to be very far off, they are in fact coming ever closer, much like the heralded end of the global darkness you are all residing in at the moment. Much has been said about this lightening or rather awakening process, and it must be evident by now that the need to raise an ever larger number of people from their sleep is getting more and more urgent. Hence, the dramatic events unfolding in so many parts of your little world. I use the world little to underscore the fact that even if you are geographically far away from the fray, you are all in fact closely linked together, so that what transpires in a remote part of your planet, concernes you all. Modern technologhy has made it almost impossible to conceal any activity and hide away evil doings behind closed doors, and so much is seeping out into the open. Both things perpetrated by private citizens, but also all sorts of discriminations condoned by governments and others in charge. Nothing can be hidden away any longer, and new and old trespasses are finally being aired in full public view. This may seem like bad business, as you are all constantly being bombarded by tales of wrongdoing, and it seems that you as a species cannot help yourselves from acting unkindly and unjustly towards your neighbour. Nothing could be further from the truth, as you as a species are originally constructed from the same material as the rest of us, namely that of ever present love. Now the realization that you do not need to continue behaving in the dark manner that you have gotten so accustomed to will continue to grow, therefore the news you see paraded in front of your eyes every day will seem to be more and more shocking. That is because your old core is finally starting to be heard above the din of fabricated evilness, and as such you will find yourselves unable to stay silent any more. The urge to stand up and be counted will grow exponentially in the time to come, and the urge behind is it one of love, love that permeates each and every one of you, but has been kept hidden behind a cloack of mistrust and mistreatment administered by those calling themselves the leaders of the world. Their best interest is to keep fear uppermost in your minds, and when fear rules nothing else can be heard, because of the noise from the fear will drown everything else out, even the strong pull of all-encompassing love.
Now more and more of you will find, much to your amazement, that the fear will trickle away, and then nothing can hold you back ever again. At the same time, this will only act to heighten the fear in those who have already chosen to stay trapped in the old, and they will put up a harder fight than before to make sure that all of their fears will come true. In other words, they will act in ways that will galvanize the rest of you into action for the common good. Humans are a species not easily adapting to change, therefore you need a very efficient wake-up call. Many of you have heard the call already, and you have long since left the unproductive slumber you were caught up in for far too long. With your help, even more have started to rub the sleep from their eyes, and many a fogged brain have cleared sufficiently to see that what is happening now is not a disaster, even if it may have all the markings as such. On the contrary, you have all the reason in the world to celebrate the fact that freedom from fear is finally knocking on your door, so do not forget to push it wide open and step out into the fresh air that is being channeled into your atmosphere.
I am aware that the brutal birthcramps of this freedom will scare many a timid mind into thinking that the end is near, but please remember that this is what you have been led to believe by those holding you all imprisoned in their version of a perfect society, namely the kind of society that oppresses the large majority by any means possible in order to enrich a small number of people beyond all means. Their version of society is indeed coming to it´s end, and the last and final battle for this will be nothing short of brutal. Just remember, they are indeed fighting a lost battle, and they have been doing so for a long time already, but they are experts at putting up a good show to make them look so much more powerful than what they really are. They are nothing but little children throwing a fit because they cannot get their way, and just like little children they will stomp their feet and throw a mighty tantrum, but apart from a lot of noise, they cannot change the outcome of this. Many will be convinced by their tantrum however, and they will continue to believe the lies and deceits they have been served by these selfsame manipulators. Therefore, they will go ever deeper into fear and act accordingly. Do not be surprised if some of them raise up in arms, but do not be surprised if they get vanquished by a swift and decisive blow. Never forget, these mislead people are also a small minority, and as long as the majority on this planet is comprised of people like you, people mostly concerned about living a decent life, they will never again be able to overpower the deep current of love starting to flow in the hearts of you all.