Chapter 29 Today´s message might be difficult to grasp for some, as we would like to delve into the scientific approach to the upcoming changes on your planet. For now, let us just begin with the fact that although your scientists have been looking hard and long , they have still to find that elusive so-called god-particle they like to refer to as the Higgs boson. Although they seem to have found traces of it already, no hard facts have been found that could describe the set-up of this little but oh so vital component of their own little fabricated theories. Make no mistake, such particles do exist, but they are in no way similar to the ones they are looking for. It is in many ways a quest for the unseen, because to a normal person´s eye, nothing like this can be seen. That is not because of it´s minuscule size, but the fact that they have not yet learned to search for the right amounts of energy.
Let us explain. Up until now, your scientists have been probing into the nucleus of the atom, and while they have detected smaller and smaller bits inside this seemingly too small part that make up your world, they have only been able to detect certain fractions of the light that is emitted by these objects. We have referred to the fact that it is not by chance that they still refer to the unseen mass of energy spanning the whole of your universe as dark matter and dark energy, as you know fairly well by now that they are in fact not able to detect it, and rightly so. It is because they have not been allowed to detect it or measure it in any way, as this dark matter is the sole source of energy that can be utilized without ever running out. It is the original perpetuum mobile, and as such it can literally create havoc with everything known to man if this knowledge falls into the wrong hands, or maybe we should call it wrong brains. This is something not to be understood by the brain, as the brain is so limited , and it is limited for a very good reason. You humans tend to think of the brain as the seat of knowledge, wherefrom all the noble thoughts that will propell your civilization forwards comes. Nothing could be further from the truth, as the brain is only set up in order to make you function at the lowest level possible. This may sound very patronizing, but as have been oft described by us before, the knowledge the rest of us possess, is not a knowledge captured and held individually. It is a vast sea of information shared by all, for the betterment of all. However, to a corrupted mind in a human being, all knowlegde should serve one purpose only, namely to enrich oneself, preferably at the expense of all others. Vital knowledge is therefore held back, and if it can be patented and sold to the higest bidder, all the better. We speak of course in general terms here, as a human brain is also capable of creating the most beauteous examples of art and music, and also very capable of caring, nurturing and co-operating, but remember that almost all of the scourges plaguing mankind are indeed man made, and they have been set up by brains ruled by greed, not by a true quest for knowledge.
There are of course many a brave soul out there hungry for the truth, out on a quest to find a solution to all of man´s problems, but do not think that the ones at the top of the food chain will ever let them find it. Or if they do so, they will be abolished and ridiculed at best, or actually terminated as the worst case. Many will have heard rumours about certain inventions already made, inventions that could, if utilized correctly, free mankind from the slavery of the addiction to fossilized fuel. But where are these inventions, you might ask. Let us just say that they are buried under tons of red tape, and the inventors themselves effectively gagged by agents who can see only too well just how bad these inventions would be for their own way of living. Remember, oil is greasing too many wheels on your planet, and the supply and demand for oil is what makes these wheels literally og round. The whole machinery of greed is so dependent on oil, it will go to any lengths to ensure that it never ever goes out of use. If these wells run dry, so too will their supply of blood money, and their little reptilian brains cannot bear the thought of being without this steady supply of money running into their coffers at an ever increasing rate. This brings us back to the scientists trying to find in vain that ever elusive little particle, the one missing link in their well put together little hypothesis. You see, without it, the equation fails to come to a conclusion, and they are all scrathcing their heads and hoping to see further traces of it very soon. So much is invested in this quest for the holy grail of physics, and not without a just cause. It is in fact a very well put together smoke and mirror project, one that has turned so many wise heads in the wrong direction.
But wait, did we not see a smattering of heads starting to look just a fraction to the other side? Oh yes, we did! Have hope dear ones, the enlightened ones amongst you have succeeded in seeding these men and women with so much hidden knowledge, and now, that knowledge is starting to make itself heard above the din of the voices of ”reason” trying to drown it out. You see, knowlegde is not something inert and devoid of life. The knowledge we refer to, the one that has been passed down from the All there is, through our esteemed comrades, by way of some of you brave and shining souls, and finally inserted into the receptive minds and hearts of a few hand-picked scientists, this knowledge has now taken root and is starting to sprout. It will grow rapidly, because it has been planted in just the right kind of fertile soil, and it will soon blossom into something so magnificent it will take your breath away. First, it will only be whispered about in a small group of likeminded souls, because the results they are starting to see appearing on the screens and in the test-tubes in front of them is something they cannot even begin to describe. There will be doubt, and they will try again, but the results will unfailingly be the same each and every time, and soon they will have no option but to believe the unbelievable. They will shout with joy, and then the whole community will have to sit up and listen. The fruit of so much of your hard labour will be lifted up for all to see, and then the old dogmas will have to be buried once and for all. And with them, so too the seemingly never ending supply of financial runoff that has been siphoned into a few very, very deep pockets. Do not think that they will willingly forego this income, but do not think that they will be able to stop this revolution of intelligence. For this cannot be stopped.
The time has come to pull the wool from the eyes of all, and to set aside old and inhibiting thinking. You have successfully seeded the world with the knowledge we have been transmitting through you for such a long time now, and finally the results will be coming out. Not as a mere whisper from a little particle flying across a screen in CERN, but from a whole host of seemingly unconnected events taking place in laboratories all over the globe. Make no mistake, dark brains will make a ruckus and try to wrest the right to earn a living from all of these new discoveries, but unlike earlier, this will not be allowed to be copyrighted and labelled as private property. This is all for the advancement of the human race, and it can only be utilized as such. If it is tried to be taken by force, it will retaliate in a very strong manner indeed, and it will literally blow up in the face of those trying to make a profit at the expense of others.
We know this will sound fanciful to many of you, and that you will in many ways be looking in vain for this in the headlines in the days and weeks to come, but believe us when we say that a new dawn has arrived, and with it, a new kind of intelligent human. The kind that is willing to stake everything they have on something they know will be of value to all, and they will not be persuaded to give it up for a handfull of gold. For the first time in modern history, there will be truly uncorrupted minds making literally mind blowing discoveries, and it is precisely because they are uncorrupted that they will be allowed to make them. It is not by accident that this happens now, as only now have you managed to raise the level of awareness to such a degree that you will be allowed to tap into the ever present bank of knowledge referred to as the dark matter by your scientists. But what they will find, is further from the darkness than anything you have ever seen.
Only the purest of minds, with the purest of hearts will be allowed access, and anyone sailing under a false flag will immediately be banned from the proceedings. Thus, you can rest assured that anything that will be developed in this process will never be used in a detrimental way, and it can therefore not harm neither you nor your precious little planet. Welcome to the future dear ones, it has just started to become so much brighter in here. We hope you can all see the light seeping in from behind the curtains, and we know it is only a matter of time before you decide it is indeed time to pull them away for good and let the light literally flood in.