March Against Mainstream Media ~ Round-Up

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March Against Mainstream Media

MAMSM - 2013

MARCH AGAINST MAINSTREAM MEDIA is more than just a protest. It is an attack against the credibility of the mainstream media in an attempt to steer its viewers away from its lies and towards alternative media sources. There are too many important things happening today that go ignored or spun by the MSM and unnoticed by the mass public. On November 16th, organized protest in the United States will be brought to the doorstep of all large mainstream media studio headquarters including: ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and FOX News. With enough support from truthseekers out at their local MSM studio locations on November 16, we will force the hand of those media outlets and they will be pushed to make a decision.

They can either:

Choose to report on the fact that thousands of people are currently protesting outside of their buildings because they are keeping important news from the public’s eyes.

Or they can:

Chose to ignore the fact that thousands of people are outside all of their buildings protesting them. This is what we want them to do, because independent and alternative media organizations along with large social media pages with millions of reach have been put on high alert for this event and will then flood the internet and radio to the fact that this mass protest is going on against the mainstream media.

This will cause the mass public (who only watch MSM) to search for the story elsewhere, and turn away from the (MSM) television. While we have the attention of the public for this day, while they are looking into this giant event, we must get the point across to them that a lot of very serious things are taking place that they are unaware of or have been lied to. The MSM news channel that they always watch has deep ties with large contributors of money and government branches to only show the news that is beneficial to those who pay these MSM giants. Most importantly we must turn away from being spoon-fed information from the MSM and turn to alternative and independent media sources for our news.

We must make it clear on that day that the news source that is not showing the protests is the news source you have to stop getting your news from. And the news source that IS showing the protests is where you should look for news from now on.

This is a call to all truthseekers, to all of those who know corruption is taking place, and who want to change the world to what we all know it could be. The United States Mainstream Media is the #1 tool used against the American people and we have to get the mass public to turn away from this garbage once and for all and actually start thinking for ourselves. Imagine what would happen if the news actually told us the truth and showed us important things? My guess is revolution overnight.




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Thousands protest press credibility in
march against mainstream media

RT - 11/17/13

Image from @MarchAgainstMainstreamMedia

Across America people turned out brandishing banners, condemning established news channels.

Meanwhile in London, supporters of the anti-establishment movement gathered outside the offices of the BBC in a sit-in-style protest.



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March Against the Mainstream Media

The Seattle Times - 11/16/13, Marcus Yam

Demonstrators hold up signs and wave to passing cars during the March Against Mainstream Media protest. MARCUS YAM / THE SEATTLE TIMES


A group of approximately 30 demonstrators, outfitted with fluorescent colored banners, flags, megaphones and slogans organized for the March Against the Mainstream Media event in Seattle on Saturday, Nov. 16, 2013.



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Today Thousands March Against Mainstream Media

Activist Post - 11/16/13, Andrew V Pontbriand


The mainstream media becomes more and more unpopular by the day, and in a recent Gallup Poll, you can see that it's been a long time since the American people thought the Mainstream Media reported fairly, or honestly.

Today, thousands of people will March Against the Mainstream Media.

Videos and more:


