Marijuana and the Psychology of Optimal Experience

Rain's picture

The Golden Age Daily - 10/30/12, Ron Marczyk

Waking Times – Ron Marczyk – Marijuana and the Psychology of Optimal Experience – 30October2012

The reductionist, “group think,” cold, dogmatic drug warriors of the National Institute of Drug Abuse, the DEA, and the FDA have been digesting their own misinformation for so long they have lost their humanity.

As counterintuitive as it sounds, the” high” or “feel good” buzz from marijuana is an actual “therapeutic effect” that heals the brain, produces homeostasis and prevents many neurodegenerative conditions.

Brain homeostasis is restored by the direct action of THC/CBD-activating CB1 receptors in the amygdala which regulate our “happiness / emotional salience module.” This pathway is dedicated to seeking for “meaningfulness” in our existence.

This innate drive is the need for self-actualization. THC increases the probability of these events occurring, through inducing metaphysical “flow states” and “peak experiences.”

We live near the edge, where the view is better. 

This plant, with its deep historical partnership with the human species, continues to amaze medical researchers who now are trying to decipher the workings of the endocannabinoid system.

To watch the videos and read the rest of this story, visit



Thank You . . .

drmoe's picture

Thank you for standing up for a plant that is not controlled by Big Pharma, and has more palliative effects than all of their poisons put together.


The problem with the Dark is that always demonize the Good, especially if it has adverse effects on their profits.  Marijuana helps people - End of Story!


Most laws on the books have a fair and clear meaning, and basically state, you cannot harm another and get away with it.


The laws against Marijuana do not meet that test.  They are purely the result of one set of interest groups' need to control others, control products, control market share, control profits through the sale of their aritificial Garbage, all of which has NOTHING to do with promoting health -  NOTHING!


Thank you for this. I enjoy hearing more and more about this amazing plant.


Blessings to you for sharing,


Dr Moe