~Mars is Retrograde by Lyn Dalebout~
Mars is retrograde till April 13 2012: time to catch our breathe/discover what is true for us before the next big wave of change. What is required NOW is a deep listening to Self and a direct, honest, at times heated expression of who we are and what we need/want to all who surrounded us.
I have witnessed in myself and those around me that there is a pressing need that will no longer be withheld/contained or silenced to GET ON WITH IT. No more whining, no more learned helplessness. No more victim consciousness. Those who are taking too much are being told NO MORE. And those who have been over-compensating for the wounded souls around them are rising up to say TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOURSELF. Mars in Leo. Recognize you are creating your reality and stop blaming others if you aren't happy. In a recent blizzard when the plows were too lame to show up~do you hear my edge of anger and ROAR~ I rallied and said I am not waiting for someone to dig me out! I will dig myself out! And I did: five times. That's when I really GOT what this Mars retrograde in Leo is demanding of us. Life experience sometimes creates a good metaphor. Dig yourself out! You are stronger than you think. Do you remember that extraordinary line from the film Shawshank Redemption? "Time to get busy living or get busy dying." Such is the nature of these times. You know what I am talking about.
Please read my words as meditation more than fact.
Always read my words as more meditation than fact.
I ruminate. You decide.
Mars is Retrograde
by Lyn Dalebout
Integration~Mars Retrograde Part 2
This is Part Two of my current Mars Retrograde series~I sense this may become a quintet~lots of information coming in. The shifts you make now will eventually initiate how the larger Uranus square Pluto will affect you~filled with grace or difficulty~your choice. This planetary cycle will astrologically define 2012-2013 and will expand/redefine/empower the revolutions of the 1960's. More to come on those Earth-changing shifts in future posts.
~But for NOW~
~which is all we have~
Mars is retrograde till April 13 2012: time to catch our breathe/discover what is true for us before the next big wave of change. What is required NOW is a deep listening to Self and a direct, honest, at times heated expression of who we are and what we need/want to all who surrounded us.
I have witnessed in myself and those around me that there is a pressing need that will no longer be withheld/contained or silenced to GET ON WITH IT. No more whining, no more learned helplessness. No more victim consciousness. Those who are taking too much are being told NO MORE. And those who have been over-compensating for the wounded souls around them are rising up to say TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOURSELF. Mars in Leo. Recognize you are creating your reality and stop blaming others if you aren't happy. In a recent blizzard when the plows were too lame to show up~do you hear my edge of anger and ROAR~ I rallied and said I am not waiting for someone to dig me out! I will dig myself out! And I did: five times. That's when I really GOT what this Mars retrograde in Leo is demanding of us. Life experience sometimes creates a good metaphor. Dig yourself out! You are stronger than you think. Do you remember that extraordinary line from the film Shawshank Redemption? "Time to get busy living or get busy dying." Such is the nature of these times. You know what I am talking about.
Please read my words as meditation more than fact.
Always read my words as more meditation than fact.
I ruminate. You decide.
Words can be barren without imagery
~Victoria Blumberg's captured moment depicts our dilemma exactly~
Our spiritual Eagle self is talking to our earthly Magpie self
Are you following?
We are being advised to listen more deeply to the truth of what we know at our deepest core~be it from our earthly self or our spiritual self.
your earthy self that lives in a complex body of desire
or your unembodied spiritual self where clarity can sometimes come easier
Both have insights Both differing forms of wisdom
Time to dialogue
"A discussion directed toward an exploration of a particular subject or resolution of a problem"
There's that word again
Please read my previous post Resolve:
Mars Retrograde Part I
Is there a disconnect between your Eagle spirit and your Magpie soul?
~Spirit~our light which arises in flight~
guiding us toward our future self
~Soul~our depth which roots and grounds us~
lifetimes of memory~our sacred past
Do you seek integration between your Eagle spirit and your Magpie soul?
Eagle is symbolic of the wisdom of the Elders~lifetimes of learning and knowledge~the past~at times at tad rigid.
Magpie is symbolic of the curiosity of Youth~oblivious of history~delirious with current life and extremely flexible.
Magpie represents the complexity of earthly desires and the endless healthy, sometimes unhealthy, re-creation of self which often pushes us beyond the voices of the elders. Magpie is the exuberance of youth. The place of hot new information, yet to be explored, yet to be discovered.
Magpie says
~Ditch the teachings of the past and open~open~open to the present moment~
~That's radical~such a holy word meaning both returning to roots and a departure from tradition~
~Ditch the dogmas of the past and open~open~open to the present moment~
Radical ~some might say unwise~but is that true when nothing nothing of the old seems to be working or relevant anymore?
We are in this together~elders and youth~ but the question is who will take the lead at this key juncture of human history?
Who will take the lead?
~Who needs History when there is Mystery~
~ Perhaps I had it wrong in first interpreting this picture~
Instead does
Magpie=Spirit Eagle= Soul
Perhaps we are entering a time in which our elders are extremely curious about the voices of youth. Or they certainly should be. They are dropping their guard and their milleniums of egoic pride~no disrespect but age isn't always everything. They are willing to listen.
Perhaps the Magpie is helping the Eagle to relax and soften and listen and release History.
Perhaps the Magpie is helping the Eagle enter the Mystery of the unfolding present moment where all our light and dark are finding integration at last
~at long last~
All our Light and Dark are finding integration: The only way to peace, both inner and outer.
The Magus~historically known as the Elders~
are becoming Magpie~a paradox~
~ the youth taking the lead~
in 2012-2013
this will be so
Do you seek integration of your Magpie spirit and your Eagle soul?
~join the revolution~ we are radicals all~both returning to roots and a departure from tradition~
~this will be the gift of the coming Pluto/Uranus square~
I dedicate this post to all the extraordinary young beings~no matter your age~I have been blessed to be meeting with in life and in both teaching and astrological readings~I am in awe of these evolved avatars~no matter your physical age~
you know who you are
we are listening
Lyn Dalebout
Thanks to Ramsiel at Love and Light World