Massive Toxic Black Cloud, Brought To You By The Koch Bros, Blows Over Detroit Friday, August 2, 2013 10:35

Tonago's picture
Friday, August 2, 2013 10:35

Common Dreams

by Abby Zimet


MInd-boggling video of a billowing, high-carbon, high-sulfur cloud from the mountain of petroleum coke – waste from Canadian tar sands shipped from Alberta to Detroit, and the dirtiest potential energy source ever – illegally stored by the Koch Brothers along the Detroit River. Produced by Marathon Refinery but owned by Koch Carbon, the pet-coke piles have for months been producing “fugitive dust” - ie: thick black crud – that blankets the homes of outraged residents and lawmakers; analysis shows the dust contains elevated levels of lead, sulfur, zinc and the likely carcinogenic vanadium.





iliad10's picture

This should be made a criminal charge for the potential of causing health issues and possible death due to negligence.  Aren't these bozos part of the cabal?