Masterpieces of the Earth Collection

will's picture

Masterpieces of the Earth is a spectacular collection of one hundred ancient planetary treasures gathered over a period of 35 years with the intention of creating an experiential museum designed to awaken a new love and appreciation for the magnificence of planet earth. These giant natural crystals and fossils have never before been seen in or out of museums.

In this technological age we need more, not less, connection with the natural world. As each of us loses more and more connection with Nature itself, we are actually beginning to lose our world. We need places of inspiration where each of us can replenish our imagination and revitalize our spirit. The Masterpieces of the Earth Collection is intended to be the vital core of such a place ... where visitors can journey into the heart of the earth, fall in love with the planet, and see it in its immense beauty, power, and fragility. And as Jacques Yves Cousteau wisely observed many years ago, "People protect what they love!" Please join us on a journey to help us protect and find a permanent home for this world treasure where it can be viewed and experienced by all.
