Abundance, like age, is a state of mind. Too often, it is thought to be limited to the digits describing one’s material wealth. While in fact it is the space from which one operates. Abundance here refers to the experience of ease and flow in all aspects of one’s life. It is being anchored in a sense of wholeness and completion, a sufficiency that enables graceful flow, harmony and generosity. Where One is not inhibited by fears of scarcity. Trust in Self and life is effortless.
All of this is determined by one singular aspect – the degree to which one is in touch with one’s true nature. The ‘I’ that one refers to, and whose ideas of ‘mine’ and ‘not mine’ keep it locked in a sense of lack and insufficiency(whether it be of love, time, well-being or money), is in itself a false construct. It is the misled aspect that has identified itself with a particular body-mind. This, despite experiencing that like the mind, our body too is noticeably changeable. Our embodiment in the womb, as infants, adults and then as senior citizens is far from the same. Even as we observe these changes, we continually, simultaneously re-calibrate our idea of ‘self’ and thereby continue to uphold the mistaken belief that there is a ‘constant’ or ‘consistent’ person here.