Maureen Moss – Love, Presence And Acceptance – 19 April 2012

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Maureen Moss – Love, Presence And Acceptance – 19 April 2012

Dearest Hearts,

As always, I pray you are well.

What a compelling year this is proving to be. On the morning of January 1, 2012, I awakened to the feeling of peace and calm. I was deeply appreciative as the previous couple of months had been abrupt, though revealing. On this day it was a beautiful feeling to begin the New Year in peace, knowing it would be the last of its kind in this long cycle of time. I also knew that this year required my full attention. I had stated my intention and commitment to the God of my Being several months earlier.

Quietly I moved into meditation on January 1st, preparing, in just hours, for “The World Puja Network’s” second annual live 2-hour World Meditation and Planetary Transmission where thousands of people from around the globe were about to join us.

(The MP3 and transcript are available to all that were unable to join us, at our audio products page and

The moment all of the hosts gathered, speaking our love and gratitude for each other and all that we were about to embark upon, I felt a blanket of grace around each of us, around the planet, and around humanity. I felt the Angels gathering. I knew what we were about to put forth was important. This is the year, I sensed, where there will be a profound number of awakenings, and we would be of some assistance for each. It may not be a year of comfort, I had long been informed, but it will be one of necessity and ultimately great blessings.

And so it began, our two hour World Meditation and Transmission. As it built momentum, dozens and dozens of birds of all sizes and colors gathered in my front yard, on every hedge, bush and tree. I’d never seen that many birds, gathered. Later I found out it was so in my neighbors yard, and then in one of the other speaker’s yards in Sedona, Arizona.

The birds, in all of their glory were singing, like I had never heard, as though they were bringing forth their Divine Symphony in harmony with ours, carrying the song of Oneness and love out into the world in their glorious way. Tears streamed down my face. I wondered how many other birds were doing the same throughout the world. What a beautiful way to begin the year.

Ten days later I received three Emails in one day that took me out of my reverie and into deep, deep stillness for days of contemplation and interaction with the Divine, prompting this article.

One of my students for many years who had become a friend, almost made her transition after one round of chemotherapy that caused a thrombosis that nearly strangled her.

Another student of years gone by, who also became a friend, suddenly made her transition after a very challenging year with bone cancer. She was a profound, joyous and brilliant being of Light.

On the same day one of the most important men in my life was swiftly diagnosed with stage four lung cancer and life threatening tumors running up and down his spine.

Robert has been a profound mentor to me, at times when he didn’t know it, at times when he made a point of it. If not for his tutelage many beautiful things in my life that has also touched the world would have had a much more challenging time coming to pass. He has made me laugh harder than most and has taught me (and teaches the world) everything one needs to know about Presence, letting your Life come to you, and authenticity.

I felt myself almost stop breathing. What in the world was going on here? I stopped everything that I was doing, because I was unable to do anything, and went deep into the caverns of my inners, where the flame of the Divine waits for me, waits for all of us. I approached, as always, with reverence and with my one main question.

“What do I need to know about this?”

“Your soul is asking you to experience greater depths of love and acceptance, and of being present only to the moment at hand. Your personal journey into a more stabilized rendezvous with the Divine is well underway, as you begin to further dignify the miracle of Life. Your next step is at hand, prompted by the past several months of experience. You are unable to be distracted.

Your attention has been gotten making you able to be fully present with what is, just as you were with the birds, the planet and all of humanity just last week. Please bring the same momentum of gratitude with you now. Gratitude is not mutually exclusive to pain. Separation of any sort is no longer acceptable in the bandwidths of energy you choose to abide in.

Last week while riding the high waves, you felt love, you felt peace, you felt Oneness. You felt God. This moment calls for the same and reaches further into you for acceptance for what is. Your call for deepening is upon you. Seek nothing else. Apart from nature, the world external has been losing its sparkle for you for some time; let it be, for now. Walk further and further away from the illusion that lines the walls of a world that bears no illusion.

Everything you will ever need is contained in the moment you are in.
Did you know you can see the entire Universe in the present moment? Look carefully. Feel fully. Be present. Become a stranger to yourself.

Take note of the silence of your mind, and the peace in your heart now that you are resting in Me and the present moment we share together. All is well. Answers to your quietly asked questions are arising in you, without effort, each time you go deeper into the stillness that lives in the Presence of the moment.

Many of you are ready for a deepening of yourself in order that more of the Divine Descent may occur and the Presence and Acceptance of each Divine moment may impact you with all of its Life contained within it, as the past and the future melt into nothingness, for indeed neither contains Life.

Your future, all of humanity’s future is predicated on the present moment, and the Presence, love and acceptance each brings to it. Your authentic world will be filled with the wisdom of the moments, not the ages, but the moments. Receive each deeply; contemplate only with your heart and then in Divine consciousness move into the next moment. Should you feel impatient at the slowing speed of your life, be grateful, as you begin to realize what you have left unfinished. Mastery is no small feat.

This year will ask nothing less of you than your full Presence, your Love and your Acceptance. Through each, you will make your journey home. You shall bring Heaven to Earth and attain enlightenment. There is no other way Beloveds, nor a year in which you will be more strongly supported.

You will see opportunities appear at your every turn. Open your Divine eyes, and your Divine hearts. Lay down your resistances and interpretations. Be present. Let your mind rest. Enter a new game of existence. In this game, there is no loss. In this game there is a treasure; an exalted state of being that is intoxicating.

Now you know the answer to your many ‘why’s.’

Know you are being blessed, and know you are indeed a blessing.” link to original article

