May 24th: Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius

Lia's picture


Are you breathing? Good. Just had to ask because it has certainly been a big energy ride as of lately (read: this whole lifetime). As long as your heart is beating (and chocolate is a-plenty!), All is Well.


Before diving into this upcoming Lunar Eclipse, here’s a quick point of reference about the energies of this week: May 20th was the third Uranus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn transit that started in 2012 and will make a final connection in 2015. A grand transformation is occurring to take us forward and higher up into our personal authority and true individual expression. The themes are evolution and revolution, individually and collectively.  But things get messy and there’s friction and we come up against our “stuff” and we lose sight of our inner unicorn. Plus, everyone on the planet is feeling this transit and some days you just wonder… why are they so crabby/annoyed/irritable? (Because of course it’s them, not you.)


But if you want to know a secret… it’s one of the main reasons why we chose to incarnate at this time. We’re here to do this and consciously work with this energy, so be sure to pop some champagne or take an occasional victory lap on your 10-speed with that knowingness. Again, All is Well.


The May 24th Lunar Eclipse is the third and final eclipse for this spring, so a lot of soul-rocking changes, advancements and upgrades have been underway for over month now. At the same time, this Lunar Eclipse at 5 degrees Sagittarius is the opposite of the November 28th eclipse in Gemini. If you can think back to that faraway place called “late 2012”, you may see that changes from then are also coming up and evolving some more now. It also feels like an energetic balancing act where we see-sawed one way and now we’re coming back to focus on the other side.


The Moon in Sagittarius is about exercising daily faith, emotional trust, and processing waves of big emotions as they come in. You may need lots of alone time to be with Spirit and listen. The Sun in Gemini is analytical, interactive, and is skilled at talking, sharing, emailing, tweeting, posting, networking, promoting, pinning, connecting, and all things communication. Find the balance point between Faith and Facebook, praying and promoting. Your soul needs you to stop and listen a lot more these days.


Full Moons bring what was unconscious to our attention and this typically occurs through our feelings. Or another person’s emotions projected at us. Or an email. Or a tweet. Or your own inner knowing. And with the eclipse energy mixed in, things can feel BIG right now and emotionally uncertain.


My intuitive hit is that it is perfect to feel big stuff right now because we are being given a huge opportunity to Trust in order to balance out the over-activity of our minds. No more simply talking the talk; it’s time to Trust the Trust.  


Sagittarius and Gemini are mutable energies that embrace change, variety, and multiple opinions. They are excellent at transitions and keeping things movin’ and groovin’, so remember to roll with it. Here are some thoughts to chew on:


What do you need to change up in your life so you are communicating your new Truth?


Where is your mind overruling your intuition? (Don’t think too much about that answer…;)


Are you giving Spirit enough of your time every day? Because Spirit can always connect to more of You.


However, making things a bit more exaggerated is that Jupiter, the ruler of this eclipse, is in Gemini conjunct Mercury and Venus. Tons of stuff is flying around and we’re so busy and we don’t know where to focus! The social calendar is full and our computers are overloaded, but we can handle it when we breathe, release, and remember there is joy in the journey.


This is a great time to step away and go within to touch your Soul and listen. I feel strongly that we need to look at where we are directing our faith and how much we are allowing that to sustain us on a daily basis. It's a much bigger energy than any of the silliness our minds can come up with, ya know? How amazingly cool.


And on that note...
