The Mayan Calendar ~ Time is Not Fixed
By Love Reporter Lynne Hoft
It is important that we take a look at the accuracy of the Mayan Calendars.
Though I am not an expert, I have been studying the calendar for several years. I was a fan of Jose Arguelles since the Harmonic Convergence and then six years ago was led to Carl Johan Calleman. Recently I’ve been studying Barbara Hand Clow’s book on dimensions.
What occurs to me now with the varied differing comments on Ascension dates and happenings, and coming events is this. When I read Calleman – at least four times through – I resonated with the understanding that the Mayan Calendar was marking an evolution of consciousness. It is important to know that the Mayan calendars were organized to chart levels of understanding. The Long count tracks the history of the development of life on planet Earth. The 365 day calendar is basically a lunar calendar which is used for planting cycles and annual cycles. The Tzolkin count is used to identify the intrapersonal and extra personal specifics of evolution and the growth of consciousness. (This is a general overview and not a scholarly treatise.) This trilogy of calendars is the most accurate method of counting all of these cycles that we have in existence.
Calleman makes an excellent point when he discusses the Mayan and Gregorian calendars. He explains how the Mayan Calendar tracks the “natural” cycles of life. This is why it is so accurate in tracking and predicting the evolution of consciousness. The Gregorian calendar was created to put dissonance into the natural cycles. It is a calendar that deals strictly with third dimension and materialism. In one sense it distorts the natural rhythms of life and inserts an intentional distortion that moves one away from the true ebbs and flows of life. This is offsetting enough to have enabled the powers that be to control the consciousness of humanity.
For a time I used a calendar that denoted both the Mayan and the Gregorian dates, feeling that we are straddling two worlds. I noticed that Sheldan Nidle dates his writings using the Mayan system. A week ago Sheldan did a Webinar on the Mayan Calendar. It was excellent. He stated that the original calendars on Earth came from the ET’s, specifically the Pleiadians and the Arcturians. Changes were made to the original calendars by the Annunaki to reflect the Annunaki as gods.
He stated that “time comes out of a pulse of Sacred Energy – out of zero point energy.” He stated that the Time Lords manage how physicality is transformed. The “time codes” help to rearrange a reality’s rules. He stated that as old grids collapse, time reorders into the new grids. Right now time is accelerating. In a 24 hour day we now have approximately 14 time hours. Because of these ongoing changes Sheldan stated that he had reordered his Mayan calendar several times.
It seems to me that it is easy to adopt one prediction about “when” future events will occur and then to get really attached to that belief. Some even seem to be using the accuracy of the channeler/predictor to diminish the integrity and spirituality of those that don’t measure up to their beliefs.
First of all we need to allow for dimensional and consciousness shifts to factor into our beliefs and those of others. Also it is critical to understand that this is a vast and complex subject that requires a very deep study to fully gain efficiency. The ancient Mayans were trained for thousands of years in the ET calendar system.
In the 16th century the Spanish Priests using Inquisition tactics burned the codices of the Mayan Calendar. This was a library of vast proportions that was used to intricately and accurately chart the calendars. Then they murdered all of the Mayan Time Keepers as heretics.
Interest in the calendar only caught on about 30 years ago. Now we have many noted students of the calendar. We have some few Mayan leaders who have access to their early teachings. We also have some wonderful channelers and others who are listening to their guides to reawaken our understanding of time codes. It is critical to keep in mind that these calendars are not fixed in time – that time is not fixed!
Personally, I listen to what all of these teachers are saying and then I follow my heart, my inner knowing. When events that I am expecting do not occur as expected, I’m being taught to let go of expectations. I know that every moment has lessons that we can learn from. It has been challenging for me to let go and yet I know that we are all here for a reason and that every moment is perfect.
All of these foreseen dates are opportunities to “Fire the Grid”, to let our hearts soar as one, to blaze the Violet Fire, and to create the New Earth and the Golden Age.