~The meaning of 666 and the evolving human templates~
Hello all,
Hari Baba has mentioned a few times in the past about becoming the beast or 666 when referring to 2012. I often wondered what this was about, sense our past conditioning of the words "beast" or "666" has referred to something evil or dark. Recently I have been gaining more awareness of this meaning referring to the full embodiment of 666. My understanding of it to this point is that it's not related to being evil or dark, but the higher embodiment of our Creator Crystalline Self within the physical. Our chemical makeup of our physical bodies are evolving, from one form into another. This has also been referred to as the ascension. I define ascension as just being change, from one form to another. As we continue to have the ascension/expansion of consciousness, we are also having the ascension of our physical selves into it's expanded form. This transformation could also be referred to as the releasing of the templates. Into the expanded galactic human template, which is also now tied into the New Earth crystalline grid. This is the reason for my last post on the 144,000 crystalline grid activation. All of this is tied together and one is effecting the other. The 144,000 could be viewed as points within the grid. The number of focused hearts radiating the expanded human template within the other fields of consciousness here on Earth. This is the reason for the call for people to embrace and focus on "Being" love now. Through this letting go of the old patterns/templates each person ALLOWS the expanded template to be integrated. Individually and collectively we are making the choice to hold onto the old patterns/programs/templates or integrate the expanded version. By holding onto the old templates it limits the integration of the expanded template. I'm not saying it is a "new" template because I feel this "expanded template" that I am referring to has been in existence for a long time. So there is nothing really "new" about it other than our physical selves here in 3D Earth are now just evolving into it. I am also not saying it is "better" or "higher" than the current 3D human template either because ALL is a perfect divine expression of Source Light no matter what level of Creation it exist in. All is Divine even if the consciousness that exists within the physical form is unaware of it's own true Divine Self.
The ascension into this expanded expression of physical Source Being has to do with how long it takes for people to ingrate it. The more people that ingrate the new template the easier it is for others to integrate it and evolve. We could have already moved into this physical expression of being if everyone would have joined together and expanded their hearts. We have always had the opportunity to do this. What makes this time of history different is the Earth and all that exists within this Universe is ascending and our physical bodies exist within the space for which is changing. Individually and collectively we are making the choices of how we are going to evolve with the Universal ascension. This choice is done through each persons actions and expression of love that they are. It is happening right now. There is no need to wait for anything, the opportunity is here now.
The energetic system of our physical Being is like a geometric foot print within the grid and as we evolve our own foot print it affects the field/grid that we exist in. Our sacred blue print or you could call it , light signature/energetic field emits a frequency and just as traditional science has concluded frequency effects the molecular structure of water/matter and our physical bodies are mainly made up of water and water is crystalline. The crystalline nature of our DNA is directly tied to our conscious and physical being. All is connected and all is living as one mass of energy. What consciousness focuses on effects the physical self and it also effects the surrounding environment of it's existence.
So getting back to the 666. As we willingly let go of the patterns, beliefs and separation of what we have been conditioned to believe what is real. For example 666 refers to the devil, god is outside of us and other beliefs like these and so on. We evolve into the expression of our expanded knowingness of what truly is. That we are the Creators of both Light and Darkness and all is being created by one energy and we are that energy. We recognize the Divine nature of our IAM Presence/everlasting Self so what is to fear or have judgment of? Fear and judgment is only and expression of one level of our conscious being that is unaware of it's own Divine nature. By letting go of the mental projections, fears and beliefs that creates these individual levels of awareness we are allowing our expanded human blueprint to be integrated. We then embody the higher frequency of our own love. This then assists every person, soul, animal, plant, and other forms of being in evolving into the expanded expressions or Source Light. We are the judges of our own beingness. Love is not a commodity for which there is a lack of it. It is everywhere and is within everything. All we have to do is open our eyes to what already is and be it! Allow more of our own love to shine forth from our physical presence. Through this each of us will be making the choice and assisting all.
Love to all,