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Cosmic Awareness via Will Berlinghoff | Cosmic

A New Way to Bring Light and Love into Your Being

COSMIC AWARENESS: At this time this Awareness has an opening meditation for one and all. This meditation is specifically to help all reach a place of Light and Love appropriate for these End Times, to help them first and foremost through these times, but also to prepare
themselves for the Ascension event that is coming on December 21, 2012, and to prepare those who are ready to ascend individually sooner than this date.

It is the meditation that is called the Meditation of the Heart. It is to connect one to the secret hidden chamber of the heart that is the Chamber of God that is within each and every human heart. This chamber is not easily found or even recognized by those who know
the physical heart, for it is at the very center in that area between the four chambers of the heart, and is but a microscopic chamber that most do not hold to be a chamber at all, but this is where the Spark of God is held. It is the spark of Spirit Divine that animates each and every human being, and that connects each and every spirit-soul-aspect
that is having a physical experience with the Divine Spirit and the Essence of God Almighty,
All That Is, the Great Spirit.

It is given to each and every human being that when they have reached a place of awareness that is high enough, advanced enough, and great enough that they can become aware of their inner hidden chamber that will connect them to the Spark of God that resides within each and every human being. It is possible to journey within this chamber and to connect even more strongly with the flow of energy that would come from the Divine Source and that would connect each and every being to that Source and indeed enhance the Light and Love of God within themselves. This is a major requirement at these End Times,
where all are striving now to prepare themselves for the Ascension.

This does require an effort on the part of those who are ascending, and this has to do with what level one wishes to ascend to. There are those who will ascend to the lower levels of that ascended planet, Mother Earth, New Gaia; and they have reached a sufficient
point in their evolutionary process that they can move forward, onwards, upwards, and inwards with Mother Earth as she ascends. But for those who are seeking a higher level of their Ascension experience, who know that they wish to transmogrify, transmute, and transform the body into the higher spiritual energies where the body is dissolved but held
in formation, if you will - this meditation will be very beneficial to those seeking this higher level of Ascension experience.

All in all it will be a meditation, if done frequently, that will be very beneficial in these End Times where there might be much challenge and difficulties as the planet goes through profound change. It is a meditation that this Awareness gives now to help all reach their
highest potential and their highest connection to the Spark of God that resides

The Meditation of the Heart

This Awareness asks one and all to imagine yourself standing in front of yourself as if looking into a full mirror. Look to the chest region where the heart chakra is located and visualize or imagine the image of a spiral vortex spiraling outwards from the heart chakra.
See yourself diving into this vortex and as you descend downwards into the vortex, spinning down towards the heart, you commence to shrink in size. It is an imaginary journey that is taking place here, a journey that will allow such a magical transformation. As you descend
down into the depths of the vortex you see yourself approaching a set of doors of your own

You reach the doors and there in the lock of the door is a golden key. This is your key - it belongs to the individual who is approaching this door of their own heart - and as you reach this place, the doorway, you turn the key in the lock and the doors open for you. You take
the key and pass through the doorway, closing the door behind you and locking this from within. You can leave the key in the lock as you proceed now down a small passageway that
then enters into a chamber.

This chamber as you see it is huge in space and size and there is a lightness, a joyousness, an uplifting feeling as you step directly into this chamber. As you scan the chamber you see in the center a throne, a golden throne. This throne is your throne and you walk towards
this throne knowing that it awaits you. You sit on this throne and as you do so you feel a connection to the Divine Source, to God Almighty.

Now you have several options in your meditation. You can sit in the throne and open yourself to the divine energies of God, allowing the flow of God's Light and Love into you, the chamber filling with the energies of God's Light and God's Love. You can enhance this
by repeating the mantra/affirmation, "I am the Light, the Light I am." Equally, "I am Love, Love I am." You can change this if you will to, " I am God's Love, God's Love I am. I am
God's Light, God's Light I am."

The importance here is that you allow the Spark of God, the Light and Love of God, to enter your being, knowing that this secret chamber of the heart resides within you and you now reside for this moment within it. You can stay in this Light and Love of God in the chamber
for as long as you wish. You can repeat the mantras as many times as you wish and you can add new mantras of your own making and design also.

Furthermore, you can use this chamber and this throne to send out and request that you achieve certain goals or wishes. For example, those seeking healing may indeed ask for the healing of God to be delivered to them now and that one is open to God's healing Light and
touch, that one is in perfect health, that one receives perfect health, or if there is a specific issue at hand that this issue be healed and resolved as you open to your Light Body and
open to the healing powers of God.

Equally, one can use this moment of meditation in the hidden and secret chamber of God to request assistance from God and the Divine; assistance in the physical journey, be it the drawing of abundance into one's life or to request whatever is needed that is of a
responsible nature, for the essence and energies of God will not be granted to those who ask for foolish wishes to be granted, but those with serious matters can come to this place
to pray for, and to request.

As one from the heart asks for assistance and abundance in these times and one is pure in intent, these energies may indeed be bestowed upon the individual making this request, and this is an important knowing from within that allows you to sit within the energies of
the Spark of God, of opening yourself to receive the abundance, the Light, the Love, and the
Healing of God Itself.

Stay within the energies of this chamber for as long as you require, simply opening yourself to these energies, and connecting yourself to that which is the highest level of consciousness, that which is the Essence and the Source of God Itself, and this connection
in this magical space, this Chamber of God, is available to you at any moment at any time
you wish to visit it.

When you have received sufficiently, when you have given of your own heart, then it is time to leave. Before leaving, however, this Awareness recommends that you give a gift of manna or energy to God Itself. This is done easily enough - that three breaths are taken and with the third, raising your hands and giving to God this gift of manna from you to It.
It is symbolic perhaps in nature but it indicates the reciprocal nature of this connection between God and yourself, for you are an aspect of God, a creator being, created in the energetic image of God. As you find this connection from within and as you return the energy of Light and Love to God, you will find it is indeed the deepest of relationships

This then having been completed brings you to the conclusion of this meditation of your own making, your own ceremony of celebration and connection to the Divine Light and Love of God, to the spark of the Godhead that lies within. As you leave the chamber and go down
the passage you see the key and you unlock the door with the key. You step through the doorway, locking the door behind you, but this time holding on to your key. You turn and now you ascend up through the vortex, up and out of the vortex, and you emerge finding
yourself standing again on the ground in front of the mirror. Complete the meditation by simply giving thanks, "It is done". This is the Meditation of the Heart, the Spark of God in
the secret and hidden chamber of the heart.

QUESTIONER: Thank you, that was beautiful, the membership will be pleased. Is there any
additional on the meditation please?

COSMIC AWARENESS: This is complete. However, this Awareness would ask those members who start to receive results from this meditation to share their results with others on the forum or by writing to Vikki T, for other members to hear the types of experiences
that will occur by the members who do this meditation.



Funny coincidence because

Laitinen's picture

Funny coincidence because earlier today, before reading this thread, i experienced very similar kinda "meditation" sequence and didn't even bothered to think what the hell i was doing. 


I think ascension process as a personal thing, just give yourself time to be, do what you want to do and sooner or later without realizing it you will be attracted to meditate or whatever... depending of the person's current vibrational frequency.


Kundalini-yoga isn't for me, repeating mantras, meditational music, nope they just aren't my thing. I listen large scale of atmospheric and depressive black metal... Do what you love and the rest is destiny.


This is my way... 


Alert - loud music



Grant me light
Light in my heart, light in my tomb,
Light in my speech, light in my seeing and light in my hearing
Light in my skin, light in my hair
Light in my flesh, light in my blood and light in my bones and light in my spirit,
Light before me, light behind me,
Light to the right of me, light to the left of me,
Light above me, light beneath me,
Increase my light 
Forever into all directions
O God, strenghten my light and give me the greatest light of all,
The light of your darkness, 
Grant me light, God of night.