~Meeting the Sasquatch~

Lia's picture

~Meeting the Sasquatch~


by Joan Ocean

It all began with an email. A person I do not know contacted me in an email and asked me how I communicate with dolphins. He was seeking advice and suggestions because he said, "I am trying to communicate with Bigfoot and I was wondering how you communicate with dolphins."

I read the email twice and wondered if the writer was joking. So I answered it cautiously. Yes, I communicate by using body language, swimming the way they swim, diving with them, and trying to match their pod behavior. It seems to work, they come very close to me.

To my surprise the person wrote back with even more enthusiasm and proceeded to describe his interactions with the Sasquatch. Explaining, he is feeding them by using a box he made that requires delicate fingers to open the catch-lock on the box to get to the food. They are opening the box in a way no other animal could and so he was very excited about that. Now my curiosity was aroused and so I asked him many more questions. Soon an on-going correspondence was initiated and I learned many things about Sasquatch.

In June 2005, I flew to a neighboring island to see if I could initiate contact ... in the same way I had begun my contact with dolphins: I would go into their environment, remain alone and quiet, speak to them telepathically and listen for anything they wanted to give me, show me.

I spent a week in a one-person tent in the jungle, very naive about whom the Sasquatch really are and what to expect. Later, upon returning home I began to read books such as Bigfoot Memoirs by Stan Johnson and learned that my experience in the jungle was filled with Sasquatch contact. Their contact is a different type of communication than human interactions. As a way of announcing their presence and also determining if I am really interested, they made strong noxious smells one night all around me. I could not determine the source of that odor - it was so strong I couldn't sleep. Naively I blamed it on something in the air from industry. (In these pristine jungles??) Or thought that someone had left an old smelly sneaker in the jungle somewhere near my tent. They created or facilitated the sound of trees falling to the ground with loud crashes. In the morning there were no trees on the ground. They made sounds like crooning birds, high-pitched, haunting and a bit spooky, in the middle of the night, while the birds themselves were quiet. And one night they touched me. In my tiny tent I was asleep, when I awoke because someone was pushing on my shoulder. Momentarily I thought I was at home where my friendly donkeys often nudge my shoulders. Then, realizing where I was, I sat up quickly and opened my tent flap to look around. No one there. All quiet.

Sasquatch Write and Send Gifts

I began to learn all that I could about the Sasquatch from other people's experiences. A new friend who lives on the edge of the woods told me the Sasquatch live near her and she knows them. I sent her one of my dolphin books to give as a gift to the Sasquatch.

Two weeks later, I received a gift in return. The Sasquatch had chosen a rock fo me. A heavy quartz rock, weighing 5 pounds with many little crystal bits within it, gleaming in the light. Along with it came a piece of crumbled paper. On it was the carefully printed words: FOR WATER WOMAN.

Could this be true? I was still doubting the veracity of this.

It came from the Medicine Woman of the Sasquatch family in a southeastern location of America near my friend who I will call, Susan to ensure her privacy. Apparently the great grandmothers of this Sasquatch family have had contact with white people and learned to read and write in English although they had their own language as well. This may not be true of all Sasquatch people, but it is definitely true of this clan. Having read my book, or at least receiving it, and understanding who I am, through some inner sensing abilities, they named me, Water Woman.

Incredulous as it sounded, I withheld judgment until I could learn more.

After two months, Susan invited me to visit her at her home. I immediately said yes to the kind invitation. I had many questions to ask. Through her stories, I had learned to love and admire this mysterious race of tall, hairy people called Bigfoot. I chose not to use that name because it sounded somewhat demeaning. (Their feet are not large for their height and weight. They are in perfect proportion. They only are large compared to human feet.)

When I arrived at my friend's home, she told the Sasquatch that Water Woman was coming. There were two more gifts to welcome me. One was a small, delicately carved white bone image of a thunderbird. It was from the Sasquatch chief and he called it a Dream Bird. He said the Little People carved it for him to give to me. The other was a crystal cluster, given to me by the Medicine Woman. It is beautiful. Looking like a diamond city with crystal spires of all sizes. I was deeply moved by these kind gifts. The note that accompanied them brought tears to my eyes as I read the last line: GOD BLESS YOU WATER WOMAN. They seemed to know me although we had never met in person. I began to wonder how I could ever express my gratitude to these special people or what gift I could give them in exchange. Of course, they asked for nothing.
Susan is a very kind and giving person. She had enlarged her garden to allow the harvest for all of the Sasquatch as well as her own family. In addition, she would cook for them and bring dinners outdoors to a picnic table in the woods. She would leave it there and return to her house, allowing the Sasquatch to enjoy the food at their leisure and in privacy. She even provided large plastic bags for them to take the leftovers back to the forest.

At Susan's house there were many farm animals, tame and gentle. They provided milk, eggs and companionship to Susan and her husband. Since my plan was to go camping in the woods, Susan gave me quarts of fresh goat milk to take with me for my cooler. It was delicious beyond anything you could buy in a store! The lone goat was giving milk although she was not pregnant or lactating with young. I learned that many magical things can happen out of the ordinary when Sasquatch become your friends.

Some of Susan's cats had been brought there by the Sasquatch Medicine Woman who had found them and knew they needed care. The Sasquatch would leave healing herbs and roots on the kitchen table at night while the family slept. These herbs were to help any family member or animal on the farm that were sick. They were usually brewed into a tea by Susan. Some were for a poultice.


On the land there were two medicine wheels. One that was made by the Sasquatch many months before, and a second one that was made the night before I arrived. Medicine Wheels are not fully understood by most people. Some say, they symbolize cosmic connections and our relationship to the sun; others say it represents a symbol of Harmony and Oneness or about 'walking the Earth with reverence, with healthy minds and inner peace, honoring the connection between spirit and nature, by awakening our memories and manifesting our dreams.The Sasquatch said that these rock and shell and wood circles, describing the four directions, serve as Portals. You can go through them -- but be aware! You may not be able to come back! The Sasquatch call this other world, the Sometime Place.

I don't know all the meanings and purposes of the Medicine Wheels, but the Sasquatch sometimes make these Medicine Wheels as a sign that they had been on the land near you. They often re-arrange them each time they come by. Since they are mostly nocturnal, these changes occur at night...

...The Sasquatch people also give rocks as gifts. These are spirit rocks and the ones they subsequently gave me, were for communication with them and with spirit. I was to hold the rocks in my hand, ask a question of importance to me and then listen for the answer. The Sasquatch were not really interested in answering every little thought that might enter the busy mind of most humans, but they were always available to answer the heart-centered, thoughtful, requests for help from sensitive people.

Susan and her husband have received many of these rocks. In fact they are displayed in wall-to-wall shelving for viewing and working with them privately in a little woodworking shop they recently built on the farm. The rocks are all different; many originate from other parts of the country. They seem to call you to hold them and even communicate with them. There are also some arrowheads and carved wooden pieces.


(For the full story go to Joan Ocean Meets Sasquatch~~This is an excerpt.

Wednesday night and it is nearly dark at 8:00 p.m. I am outside where the full moon is shining brightly between openings in the tall pine trees. The light is beautiful and I savor the total stillness of the forest. Standing unmoving among the trees, I express out loud my appreciation for the beauty of the trees and of the night. There is a sense of timelessness in this moment. The moon looks huge and bright white. As I gaze at it, I wonder if there are U.S. or E.T. bases on the moon.

Around me I begin to feel an aura of Love. It is a gentle frequency that expands a hundred feet on all sides. I recognize it as the same welcoming vibration I receive when the dolphin pods approach. Who is it? I wonder? I have the feeling someone is coming. There is something very loving in the air. Could it be the Wise Ones? This is the name for the Sasquatch people who are the most advanced spiritually and intellectually.

Glancing outside the open door, I see movement at the edge of the porch. I bring my attention to the area and become aware of two gentle dark eyes looking at me. They are not staring or piercing eyes, but soft, half-closed eyes. I feel the warmth behind them. Widening my gaze, I see the rest of the head, and a form standing just beneath the porch roof. In the fading light, I can see the head is big with curly hair surrounding the face. I hadn't pictured Sasquatch with curly hair. It looks very nice, like a child's favorite teddy bear, well-worn. I look steadily at the face to be sure I am seeing what I think is there. The head of this huge body is framed in the leaves from the trees. It seems to be merging with the leaves. I see a distinct curl over the right eye. There is no obvious neck, a dark outline of massive shoulders, long arms. The lower part of the body is too dark to see in detail, but it blocks out everything behind it, giving me an idea of its size. The eyes continue to stare softly at me. The head is below the height of the roof. I estimate this Sasquatch is more than six feet tall.

I wonder if this is a Sasquatch or a Wise One. I have heard that the Wise Ones do not have hair on their face and that their face is a light color. That they have large shoulders but a thinner, narrow, long body. Stan Johnson described them similarly in his book. I wonder if their appearance changes with the weather, the temperature. Are they more bushy in the winter? It has been 80 degrees F. every day.... so many questions! As I look at this alert being with sparkling eyes, I feel love and gratitude. Thank you so much for coming this close and letting me see you. I am happy to meet you.

Soon, too soon, the eyes look down and the Sasquatch moves silently to his/her left, out of my sight. I hear two departing footsteps, crunching in the leaves, and then nothing more. I remain lying in the cabin expressing appreciation.


In a little while I go outside and sit on the porch. The Sasquatch welcome people with stone markers that are precariously stacked along the road and near the cabin. I took pictures of these stone totems admiring their skillful designs and signs of their intelligent presence. The Sasquatch were here, although unseen by most people.

Now I hear a sound like two sticks being clapped together, repeatedly. I continue to look into the darkness, hoping to see my Sasquatch friend again. No movement, everything is dark. I continue to telepath to them. As I am wondering why they haven't been around that much, they point out that the severe dry weather that the forests are experiencing makes the area by the river more desirable for them. I have a vision of them swimming in the coolness of the river. It is about 20-30 miles away from this little house.

They also communicate that they spend time in the coolness of their underground homes. The area is very dry right now and everyone is wishing for rain. As I sit in the quietness for another 15 - 20 minutes there is a sudden noise like heavy raindrops. It is a shower of tiny pebbles falling from the top of the nearby trees through the branches and onto the ground, in front of the porch. They do not touch me, but I can see them falling, as if from the sky. A phenomenon like that takes someone to create it. It is not a natural phenomenon. This is how the Sasquatch make contact, in a mysterious and also non-threatening way. They let me know they are nearby. I understand it as another sign of welcome from the Sasquatch. Quietly, I continue to communicate ... "Is there anything I can do to help you? To help the Earth?"
Answer: "Teach as you do, about the passion and compassion you feel for all the animals, for all of life. Teach from your sensitivity about us. People will listen to you and begin to understand."


I continue to stare into the darkness. There is a dim light on me from a Coleman lantern. I am looking at the ground, to the place where the pebbles harmlessly dropped. The silence is very thick. Suddenly I hear heavy footsteps in the crispy foliage, just beyond the nearby trees. Loud, heavy, approaching me, each step placed strangely far apart. My heartbeat increases and I'm sure my quickly palpitating heart is visibly shaking my body ... a moment of fear! Then I remind myself who it is - the Sasquatch People. In my mind I explain to them that in human films (movies), sounds of footsteps in the night are a cause for fear. Most people automatically react that way. Now the fear is gone as I acknowledge their presence near me. There are 3 heavy steps, the last one a shuffle. Then two more heavy steps and that is all. Where did they go? How can they walk without being heard? Do they dematerialize? I remain listening in the way the dolphins have taught me. Hearing the faintest, most minuscule sounds. All is silent. Not even a bug buzzing or a squirrel running across the ground!

Time to crawl into my warm sleeping bag. There, I toss and turn all night, too excited to sleep, happily reliving what happened and remembering the face of my new friend.


The next day, I drive into town and visit stores, getting more ice for the cooler. Susan and her husband are arriving today, and so I buy some food to share with them. In addition, some of their friends from the Archeological Society will come to visit. They want to hear about the dolphins.

Susan and I have a nice evening, talking and getting to know each other better. She tells me more stories about her friendship with the Sasquatch. She depends on the Wise Ones for all sorts of advice about health and family issues. She also asks them questions about who they are and how they live. They write printed words to her in her notebook. Susan and her husband have many messages written to them by different Sasquatch Wise Ones. The Wise Ones may be related to the Adena people who were tall and powerfully built, women over six feet tall and men over seven feet tall. They are described as a clan of strikingly different people of great presence and majesty.

It was interesting to me to learn that the Wise Ones can erase your mind so that you forget you talked with them. They said you will not forget the information they share with you, but you will probably forget the meeting itself. You will think you have never seen them, but you have.

This morning I drew a picture of the face I saw in the dark last night. I felt compelled to draw the gentleness of the eyes and the light shining in them. I did my best. The only art supplies I had were a black indelible marker and a piece of paper toweling. All I could see of the face were the eyes, and I didn't know exactly what the rest of the face looked like. I am pleased that I followed my instincts and drew this the morning after the contact while the memory lingered so clearly within me.

Then later in the day, Medicine Woman came and telepathically said to Susan that she, Medicine Woman, was the one who contacted me and who I saw last night from the cabin.

You can imagine how happy I felt to know that it was our friend, Medicine Woman, who was the loving Wise One who chose to reveal her presence to me.....


I have experienced dolphin and whale 'disappearances' in the ocean. It is a mystery, the details of which I won't describe here. But I have given this a lot of thought and I am still not sure if indeed the dolphins and the Wise Ones can dematerialize OR if they are creating a field of energy around us that makes us unable to see something that is going on around us or temporarily gives us an experience of interrupted time.

From the Wise Ones, I have learned about the unique characteristics of Infrasound. This is a sound that can affect us emotionally, mentally, physically - vibrating internal organs, and multi-dimensionally. Dolphins and whales use it along with some animals, such as giraffes, lions, elephants, and others to communicate and/or to stun or paralyze prey. Infrasound can be used to communicate over thousands of miles.

These infrasonic waves are sound waves so low in frequency that the human ear cannot detect them. Human ears detect sounds in the frequency range of about 20 to 20,000 Hertz (cycles per second.) Anything below 20 Hz is defined as infrasound, which although not heard, is experienced in the form of pure vibrations.

Webster's dictionary defines infrasound as "1: having or relating to a frequency below the audibility range of the human ear. 2: utilizing or produced by infrasonic waves or vibrations."


These waves can be produced spiritually by people who are trained to do this. It is called Biological Infrasound. I believe that in our progress of evolution, we are on a track to learn this ability. The dolphins and whales have shown me this. The Wise Ones have already learned it and they use it non-aggressively as a safety measure for themselves and humans who unknowingly trespass in areas that are unsafe. (not from Sasquatch, but wild animals and sometimes entities that could be harmful to humans.)

he Wise Ones have said they came from before the ice age and they are our big brothers. They said they were like us, when they lived at the time of the ice age. Which implied to me that they have now changed and are different than us. Humans in the year 2005 are like the Sasquatch during the ice age. Could it be that the Sasquatch of today have evolved many skills that confound us?

In this evolution, they seem to have learned about Infrasound emissions. The Sasquatch are able to create sounds so low, we cannot hear them. However our body and our senses do experience them. Apparently the Sasquatch can use sound to effect the environment. There are thousands of reports of Sasquatch contact where the wooded areas are suddenly inundated with odors so atrocious that people retreat with a burning sensation in their nostrils. They also are able to create a field of unnamed fear around humans that makes people leave in a hurry, and also creates so much fear that the people are reluctant to ever return to that location again. Not much amplitude is needed to produce negative effects in the human body and mind, and even mild infrasound exposure requires several hours, or even days, to reverse symptoms. These are examples of Biological infrasound.

In my personal contact with the Sasquatch people, I have never experienced these extreme and fear-promoting protective fields they emit. That leads me to believe they have control over their emissions and generate them at will. The research supports the facts that the infrasound waves used as a non-violent protection are often generated in the presence of rifle-carrying Bigfoot hunters.

Infrasounds are also effectively used to create fields of calm and peacefulness. I feel that I have been in the presence of these types of soundwaves that are creating environments of harmony, and eliciting emotions of well-being. This also can be experienced while swimming among dolphin and whale families who are creating infrasound harmony, when they accept you into their pod.

Infrasound is still a relatively new science --- especially Infrasound that is of Biological origin. Non-biological sources of infrasound abound, including thunder, air turbulence, volcanoes, earthquakes, jet engines, waves and ships in the ocean to name a few. Infrasound waves hug the ground, travel for long distances without losing strength, and are unstoppable. There are presently Hydroacoustic Stations around the world detecting low frequency sound waves, including the dangerous Low Frequency Active Sonar deployed by the U.S. Navy in international waters.

I feel that the Wise Ones are experts at emitting the frequencies of Love into an area and helping people to remain calm where they could possibly panic. Some stories have been told of Sasquatch offering help to people in distress (cars caught in mud, children are lost, animals are injured, etc) At times like this the Sasquatch/Wise Ones often need to reveal themselves in a physical way in order to assist. I believe they use their infrasound to help people relax before they make their presence known and begin to assist as needed.


