Melchizedek: Ascension and the Merkaba

Denize's picture

Around the world, so much is misunderstood about the Mer-Ka-Ba, the light body created by the brain that surrounds the physical body. And how the Mer-Ka-Ba is involved with ascension into a new world is also misunderstood. In this audio, we will explain essential parts of this knowledge, and also why the Mer-Ka-Ba was altered in the way that we activate it around our body. It is no longer activated manually as it was with the Flower of Life, but is now activated in the ancient manner through the heart, which is so much easier. This new/ancient teaching is called Awakening The Illuminated Heart. 

What we have to say in this audio I hope will assist you in remembering the true knowledge of the heart/Mer-Ka-Ba integration, and how this will eventually lead you into a new Earth, and a new way of existing.

Drunvalo Melchizedek


I stopped the video...

Rain's picture

I stopped the video as soon as the narrator said, "Learning the wrong merkaba could be spritually fatal."


Thanks but no thanks.




Doreen Smith's picture

All I can say is"THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!" Drunvalo...This is a beautiful video, or I should say audio video...The information and energy of the love filled my heart with peace, joy, love understanding..smiles and awareness of what we all know inherently but, have much difficulty putting in words at times..You've shared with so much love..I am so thankful you listened to the Masters guiding you to share this MOST important information with humanity so many years ago and now...Thanks Denize for sharing this information...Much Peace, Joy, Light and Love to You and to ALL! NOW! :) <3




Melchizedek's message

Guest's picture

Don't wast your time with this video.  He says "His way or no way".  And you have to have ALOT of money to learn his way.  He even says "many are called but few are chosen".  You have to be RICH to ascend.  He claims the Ascended Masters have called him to do this... but this is NOT the way of the Ascended Masters.