Melchizedek: Your Physical, Emotional, and Mental Bodies are Moving Up into Your Etheric Bodies of Light
Beloved Ones,
I wish to have discourse on the changing times that are upon you. Many of you are experiencing energy fluxes, being up in one moment and then sinking low in mood and energy level the next moment.
This is a recalibration of the deepest level that is now occurring within your physical bodies, your emotional bodies, your mental bodies and moving up into your etheric bodies of Light. The changes must come from within each and every one of you and this is the work that those who read this message have been doing for many years.
We from the Higher Realms are now much closer in proximity than was ever possible before. We are with each of you and assisting you to remove and peel away those last stubborn layers of illusion that still come welling up from within you.
The process of cleansing that you each have done has enabled a greater expansion in the body of the Earth to take place and just as you are expanding into your higher aspects so too is the Earth. All the Light that has been transduced through your bodies through your daily efforts has given the assistance that Mother Earth needed in order to move smoothly through her transition into a higher order of life.
At the same time, the greater expansion has created more supporting energies for Humanity and more uplifting energies are now available to each person inhabiting the Earth. This is an unprecedented time in Creation as a new way of life on a new Earth is birthing into existence.
And each of you has been an important part of the process, for what was needed was enough of Humanity to awaken to the urgent need to discipline their minds, their hearts, their very Souls through difficult situations in their lives that came at an unrelenting pace to enable this awakening to take place. This task was taken on by the most qualified citizens in the Universe who had experience in overriding outworn systems to enable the Ascension of their World to occur.
Those Ones are you, Mighty Alchemists of the transformation of Planets. This has not been a task that just anyone could take on, it had to be those Ones who were able to transmute the lead of the illusions that had taken hold of the Earth and transform everything into a higher octave.
This is what is being accomplished now and we ask you to keep on keeping on! This is still a most vital endeavor but now your work will not seem as difficult, for you are no longer going against the flow of the mainstream as before. You are creating the greater vision for yourselves and for all who inhabit this Planet.
This has been an enormous task and it was not known if you who had volunteered would make it through. What is happening in your World right now is testimony to the success of your mission. Now you are beginning to operate as a well oiled machine, if you’ll pardon the expression. Everything in your World is now supporting you, begin to observe and take note of this. Test the waters, Dear Ones, and see how much easier life becomes.
I AM Melchizedek